Arrow Dodge Challenge

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Description: After the Arrow Dodge Challenge Ethan ends up being hurt and Tyler is there to help him. Cute fluffiness.

Relationship status: Crushes.

Warnings: None just cute fluff.

Tylers POV

   We were doing the arrow dodge challenge when it was Ethan's turn to be shot at. I really didn't want to shoot him hard or shoot him at all but then it would look suspicious if I didn't hit him as hard as I hit the others. It pained me to have to shoot him because he is so small and needs to be protected but I can't protect him.  

  It was my turn to shoot Ethan and I knew that I had to hit him and it had to be hard so it wouldn't look like I was favoring him. I pulled back my arrow really far and I could hear Ethan begging for me to spare him but I couldn't. I released the arrow and it hit him on the shoulder really hard. I winced as I saw much it hurt him but I turned away and walked back to the group.  

By the end of the individual shooting part Ethan had been hit the most so he had to stand in front of all of us and be shot at. I didn't want him to be shot, I wanted to take his place but then everyone would know I liked him.

He looked so small and fragile as he curled up to protect himself and I almost walked away because I couldn't do it but I had to. We all shot at him and I tried my hardest to make it look like I barely missed but I still hit him. He winced and yelped out every once and awhile and it hurt me to know that he was being hurt.

By the end of all of us shooting him Mark said that he had an extra fourth shot for I don't know why but he did. Ethan had to crouch down in a ball while mark stood over him and shot him in the back with all the power he had. Once Mark let go of the arrow it hit Ethan in the back making a really loud thump. He looked like he was in so much pain and when he stood up I could see tears in his eyes. I wanted to run up to him and hug him but then they would all know and they couldn't know.

After we finished the outro we walked back inside and I motioned for him to follow me. Ethan trails behind me as we start walking. Ethan wonders into my room and I close the door behind us, I walk over to the bed and Ethan follows me.

"Ethan I'm so sorry I didn't want to shoot you are you ok?" I ask and all I get is a tear rolling down his cheek. I use my thumb to wipe it away before I tell him to take off his shirt. He stares at me with wide eyes but takes his shirt off any ways.

I stare at his chest which is covered in small little bruises. A tear slips down my cheek because I knew I should have stopped it but I didn't. Ethan takes his hand and wipes away my tear and looks me in the eyes. "Tyler it's ok, I'm used to it." When those left his mouth my heart shattered. "Ethan please turn over so I can see your back." Ethan then moves so I can see his back and what I see scares me. There is a huge purple and black bruise covering his back and it looks extremely painful.

I turn Ethan around and set him down in my lap and his face looks shocked. I hold him close to my chest and he nuzzles his head into the crock of my neck. "I promise I will always protect you." I say into Ethan's ear than I kiss his forehead. "Hey you missed" Ethan says and I send him a confused look but then he grabs my chin a kisses me. I melt into the kiss, his lips are soft and taste like honey. I lick his bottom lip and he gratefully grants me an entrance. I explore every entrance of his mouth and he lets out a small moan into my mouth. We both pull away and I look him in the eyes. "Damn, why do you have to be so cute" I say as I brush his hair to the side.

For the rest of the night we stay together kissing, cuddling and just talking. It was nice to know I had someone but before we go to bed I had to ask him. "Hey baby" I say and I get a hmm in response. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask and he nuzzles into my chest. "Yes of course I would." Ethan says before we both fall asleep into a deep sleep.

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