Black and White

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Important note: I now realize how wrong it is to romanticize self harm and mental disorders. I was young and uneducated on the topic when I wrote this. I'm sorry to anyone that this offends now or in the past.

Description: this is a AU where everything is black and white till you meet your soulmate but once your soulmate dies you lose all color and return to a black and white world. it's really long.

Relationship status: You'll see

Warnings: Suicide attempt

Tyler POV

The world we live in is strange. When you are born the world is black and white. You don't experience color till you find your soulmate. Most people find their soulmate between 15-25 but you can find your soulmate before, which I might add is extremely rare, or after, which is less rare.

When you find your soulmate the world just burst into colors, with one simple look. For some people they never get to see the beauty of color. If you never find your soulmate you don't see color and most of the time they live one with their lives like nothing ever changed, because nothing ever did.

Some people might claim that they are lucky, the ones that don't ever see color, because they'll never have to lose it. Once your soulmate passes away the world turns dark again. Many people can't bear the pain so they kill themselves to be with their lover.

I myself hope that my boyfriend never has to go through that unbearable pain. I don't want him to be upset or even think about killing himself all because I left. God, I would probably go insane if my boyfriend died before me. He's so much younger and so fragile. I want us to die together at old age after we lived a happy life.

I totally forgot to mention who my boyfriend is. My boyfriend is Ethan, Ethan Nestor. I know many of you probably flipped your shit or you read the title of the book, either way, I still can't believe that Ethan is my soulmate. He's so sweet, loving, and caring. Gosh I love him.

Anyways, I'm currently shopping for Ethan and I's one year anniversary. I can't believe it's been one year with my precious blue boy. I want to make this evening special so I have to make everything perfect. Good thing he is sleeping so he won't notice that I have left.

Ethan's POV

I can't take this shit anymore. My fans, should I even call them fans? Well anyways they keep sending more and more hate towards me and the more they send the more I start believing them.I should pull out my phone and check twitter. Maybe there will be something good? What am I even thinking, of course there will be nothing good.

@/trash3801: Ew why is he even tweeting?

@/nickie376: Why is he even uploading to YouTube?

@/65fin87: Why is he still alive?

@/yourboi8: Honestly he should be dead. His voice is annoying, his content is horrible, no one likes him, I mean have you seen him. Ethan do us all a favor and kill yourself.

I reread the last tweet over and over again trying to find out if they were joking but they're clearly not. I let out a huge sigh think about my options. I could leave this place forever and everyone would be happy. But what about Tyler, he is my soulmate and it is our anniversary, but does he even really care about me.

I finally decide that I should just make this quick and get it over with. I trudge to the bathroom leaving my phone on the bed that Tyler and I share. I open the door to the bathroom and immediately go towards the drawer on the right. I pull out a blade that's kind of rusty, and blood covered and some pills. Sleeping pills, hmm should do the trick. Bottoms up.

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