It was a dark morning and Greg couldn't see so he turned on the lights with his MAGICAL fingers and then got dressed."wow.If I don't hurry up I'll be late!Only if I could somehow teleport."Greg thought.When he finally got to school he saw as a group of uneducated people starred at him for being so cool.Suddenly one screamed."Shut Up!:-<"Greg didn't care and carried on walking till he met his friend Mark."Freedom Merica Yeah!"Said Greg,as a strange figure walked behind him.In unison Mark and Greg both shouted."No, Oliver."As their eyes stayed the same."Ready for orienteering?"Asked Mark,rapidly Greg replied."I dont have a choice,I'm not an angel from an angel academy!"The guys laughed.
Later aka Period 1
"Wow,again we came first"Said Oliver."That's what she said".Laughed Greg but then others started to come back and called the 3 guys "Cheaters".(ps cheating in orienteering is down right impossible to but lets go)"You idiots cheated cuz you had one of the answers on your arm and your so annoying idiots."Proclaimed one of them,however the guys didn't care.
Or did they?(ps they don't but it's a cliffhanger so stfu)