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We soon got to the center of camp, I can't tell exactly how far they've taken me from my home in Swindmore. The day was chilly and rain clouds were drifting in from the distance. The humid scent of rain is thick in the air. I take a look around to see other poor souls who were dragged from their homes like I was. Everything seems so run down. The weapons look warped and broken. Johnathan wasn't kidding when he said times are desperate.

"Ok lads from here on out you are under control of the Silversten Army. The Wayholt army has been sweeping up the country side. They will be here in about three weeks time. Our current forces are keeping the enemy at bay. In those three weeks you all will be in top shape to deliver the final push we need to push them back".

"Commander, I see a big problem with that". Johnathan pipes up with a smirk on his face.

The commander walks over to him, a tense mood falls over all the new comers.

"Why is that"?

"I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed the poor quality of your weapons and armor. Even my good friend James here would have noticed. He and I have good skills with metal", Johnathan says smugly.

~time skip~

That night as me and John were preparing for tomorrow the commander walks into our tent with a sort of desperate look on his face. He tells us how this war isn't looking good for us. They are low on supplies and so is their time.

"So what shall we do"?

"I was hoping that you two could start re enforcing this camp on weapons and armor. With out that we don't dont stand a chance".

A heavy silence falls upon us.

"Me and John here can help build this place up because there is no way we will be ready in time but we can change the odds. Tomorrow morning we start building traps and walls. Once the enemy gets close enough we will have the element of surprise. We'll have the forge fired up early in the morning".

~times skip~

As the run rose so did the flames in the forge. The fire of the furnace lit up the dusk. Light glistening off the morning dew. Old, chipped, warped metal blades submerged in the blazing furnace. Once red hot all that could be heard was the smash and clang of the steel hammer hitting the now soft iron. After the iron is shaped it gets set into a big barrel from which hot steam is emitted as the hot metal boils the water. The smithing went on well into the night was the camp was being fortified. Bit walls formed by trees that were chopped down. After my arms could no longer muster up another raise of my hammer I prepared for sleep. The commander checked in with me and Johnathan that night.

"This camp should be ready soon. John and I have managed to restore a nice amount of weapons and armor. How has the training been, commander"?

"Please call me Matthew, and the training could be better. With all this work going on its been tough trying to teach them when they can barely pick up there swords", the commander says hopelessly.

"We can break everything down into shifts. Workers rest and switch off for training the next day. That way there is always work being down and training to be taught", Johnathan chimes in reassuringly.

We all sit and think for a minute. I smirk and chuckle, "Sounds perfect, John", I say cheerfully.

Before we slept for the night we devised the schedule for working and training. In about a weeks time the defensive walls and towers have been built, we will be able to see the enemy before they arrive in our domain. The training has really hardened the rest of the, what we can now call men. This week has pushed us all to our limits and has prepared us well for the hardships we have before us.

Hello everyone and thank you for reading this far. I'm already working on the next chapter. And for all the fujoshi/fudanshi lovers I have a series called Shhhh! I'm working on as a side project.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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