Nightmare Foxy: What the hell?
Unknown typing: Lights out!
All our lights go outs*
Everyone: *scream*
Hunter: Matt I wish you were here with me~😢
Edmatt: I wish you were here with me too babe~😚
Nightmare Foxy: I love you Cindy
Me: I love you too
Hailey: Ennard? Babe please answer!
Kim: Ennard!!
Mike: Enny Ard?
Ennard screen goes black for ten seconds.
*Ennard starts screaming and killing himself*
Hailey: BABE *CRIES*
Hailey: you bish how could you do this to a innocent just someone say you posted the video plz!!! *cries*
Me: I didn't
Edmatt: I didn't
Nightmare Foxy: not me
Bubbles: I didn't
Ender: I didn't do it I'm innocent!
Hunter: I didn't....
Kim: I didn't! Who posted the video it had to be one of us.
Unfriended (My version)
Horrorthis story based off a movie called In friended with me,Hailey,Ennard,Hunter,Edmatt,Kim,Mike,Bubbles,Ender,Nightmare Foxy, and The dead girl Ari. someone posted a video of her drunk on the floor bleeding and a call was unknown and the unknown person...