Two can Tango

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It had been a day since the party and it was now Monday, time to get back to work.

It was 6:00 a.m. when your phone alarm went off, a long groan escaped your lips to the annoying sound that you learned to hate. You quickly shot up from your sheets to turn off the alarm. After that was taken care of, you got out of bed and yawned before walking to the bathroom.

You finished getting dressed in some baggy pants and a crop top. As soon as you grabbed your duffle bag, you rushed out the door. It was a pain, but PD Nim instructed that you get to the studio at exactly 6:45. The building wasn't too far so you didn't have too wake up too early, however it was a pain nonetheless.


When you arrived, the boys were already warming up, as expected of them to be here already. After setting your bag down on the rubber canvas floor, you walked across the studio to greet the boys.

"Morninggg!!" You yelled from across the room. Cheerfully, everyone replied back with another "Morning" and you smiled. You were first greeted by Yoongi, motioning for you to come over faster you did so, confused.

"Uh, morning..." You paused. "What's so urgent?" You tilted your head and chuckled, he responded.

"Y/N, we have about a week before shooting the MV."

"A week?! Serious?"

"Uhuh, so we need to perfect the dance this week before the shoot on Sunday." He exhaled.

You shook your head at how fast the time had passed, but there would be way more to come after the MV. You looked back up to the boy and clapped your hands together. "WELL LET'S START PERFECTING THEN." You yelled and the other boys cheered and soon you all got to work.

You were starting the chorus of the dance, with some fancy footwork and were in sync with each of the boys. The coordination was a bit difficult but after practicing it for such a long time, it was purely muscle memory now.

After walking towards the center to glide behind the boys, with clever choreography you disappeared from center stage. Letting the boys do their part you left them to the cool shit that they do.

Soon when that part was over, it was getting close to the duos. After the chorus finished the Decrescendo began you quickly moved behind Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon. When the bridge began, you came to center stage and were quickly greeted by Hoseok who came out of nowhere.

He grabbed you by back and lead you to the right. Swiftly turning, you left his arms and did your part of the choreo. You right stepped and chaine turned back to Hoseok. You liked your part with him, because you felt confident that with a dancer as amazing as him, it you be impossible for the boy to mess up the part.

After the part was over it was Jimin's turn. Now, the way Jimin danced was more serious than the playfulness that Hoseok put into his feet.

The part started and sweet ol' Jiminnie started some advanced ass shit in his choreography, you did your part and did the dance patterns in his arms when he grabbed you. When the part finished you pushed him away and turned around to see Jungkook for his part.

Jungkook's part was a bit more difficult for you, because he always changes his dance style. He always comes more...eager.

When you side stepped towards him you revised the steps in your head. The steps were as about as advanced as the other duos, but...Jungkook was making difficult for you.

When you would get to the part where he was supposed to grab you in embrace then let you go, it was almost as if he wouldn't let you go.

He wouldn't let you leave his arms so easily. When he would, you pushed him away like the choreography said too. When you switched your feet and did some fancy footwork, you turned back for the part that Jungkook was always hesitant about.

Dancing With the Devil - Jungkook × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now