Chapter 4 The Torch Forest

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My feet tripped on the earth beneath me. With dirt in my mouth I quickly look up to get my bearings. All around me is a forest of trees. These are not ordinary trees. Where leaves should be, are flames, that danced with the heartbeat of the earth. Since the place was called Torch Forest, I expected to feel extreme heat, to feel like I was burning. But on the contrary, I never felt colder. It was the perfect safe haven from demons. It was too cold for them to exist and there wasn't a dark spot for them to hide in. I couldn't help but to think how and what created this area.

I remembered what Julius said right before he teleported me. "Fallow the Dancing Dreams to Alabaster's cave." I couldn't ponder it for long, other things worried me. Are Elizabeth and Julius okay? As I walked around thirst hit me. I realized that I came here with no food or water, and I am alone. The only thing I can do is start walking and think of what Julius meant by Dancing Dreams.

My legs carried me east but my mind was still sat at square one. The sun started setting and my body began to ache. I have made zero progress in figuring out what Julius meant, and I still don't have any resources. I started to believe Julius was to blame for this. Why didn't he tell me before I got teleported? My face then started to feel hot, not from being angry, but at Julius for making this more difficult than it had to be.

I lied down on the chilling grass to rest from my walk. My attempts to become warm failed as I snuggled next to a flame. It seemed to be freezing me, rather than cooling me. Since that didn't work, I tried to start a fire of my own. That to, failed. I guess I must tuff it out.

I wake up the next morning to see a blur standing over me. I freak out and jumped to the side. After my eyes become normal again I see that it was a hell hound. I immediately put up my fists, but something doesn't add up. This hell hound didn't look like a normal hellhound. It was a living, breathing creature, and its flame was the color of a deep blue.

Suddenly, the dog charged at me. Instinct, told me to run from it. But I was too slow. It pounced on my back and I went down. My screams of terror transformed into hollering and giggles. The creature on my back wasn't attacking me, it was looking for someone to play with. It's flames were warm and cozy like a fire.

The playful dog backed off and sat there looking at me, tongue hanging out. It turns out that I am not alone after all. It's big blue eyes were innocent, unlike the one I fought in the arena. I stretch out and revaluate my surroundings. I looked up at the sky to see it was a little after morning, but not yet afternoon. The forest was no longer the red fire it was, but now the same hue of blue the dog had. Something else puzzled me. A small wisp of light appeared in front of me. It was a mini sun that stood a few inches away from me. Curiosity got the best of me and I reached out to touch it.

The wisp vanished. I stood up and searched for the ball of light. Right behind me, it floated like a cloud. I walked toward it and it would vanish and appear a few feet ahead of me. Then my walk turned into a run. The wisp of light had a mind of its own, teasing me. It lead me into a thick forest that would give even demons nightmares. The forest made me feel as if I was trapped in an endless void of darkness and despair. The orb was the only light I had, and the only way that I could weave between trees without tripping in the darkness. The dog was behind me, not wanting to get left behind.

I was catching up to the orb and had it in my hands. I grasped it. Then I looked in my hands to find nothing there. For some reason, the dog was just as disappointed as I was about not catching the wisp. I looked up to see that it has led me to the mouth of a cave. A familiar voice echoed out of the cave and I hoped it was Alabaster. I rushed inside with excitement to meet a stick across my face. My back hit the floor hard and my right cheek throbbed. The man who hit me across the face was the very same man I met on the horse. The white beard and pointy nosed old guy. He looked at me in complete and utter shock.

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