2. Scared to be lonely

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She woke up with a wince, her heart beating like crazy and her stomach twisted from the fear she felt. It was storming outside and storm was the only thing she hated more than darkness. Now she had a combination of both and she was terrified. She was alone in her hotel room and there was no way she could fall back asleep. She felt like the darkness around her is trying to encircle her and suffocate her. Another thunder went off, this time even louder, and she started shaking. She didn't know if it was from cold or fear but she couldn't stop it. She reached to a power switch and tried to turn on the light but nothing happened. The electricity must have gone out thanks to the thunder. She started to look for her phone. When she finally found it she turned on the flashlight and looked at the time. 3:11 a.m. Great, she thought, that's like the worst time for being up. Another bang told her the storm is getting closer. Tears started to form in her eyes. She didn't feel safe and she didn't know what to do. When she was little, her dad would always come and hold her hand while singing to her until she calmed down and fell asleep. But she wasn't a little girl anymore. She was alone in her hotel room, without the electricity and scared as heck without anyone that could help her. Actually she thought there might be an option... Don't be stupid! It's freaking 3 in the morning! Just stay here and try to sleep! she ordered to herself but with another bang she took her phone and room keys and quietly get out of her bed. The sound of a door closing behind her made her jump a little and she felt ridiculous for being this scared but she just couldn't help herself. She reached the door with number 304 and knock quietly. When nothing happened, she tried again, this time with more force. She waited a few seconds and when nothing happened, she turned and started to walk back to her room. Suddenly the door opened behind her. She turned and gave an apologing smile to her boyfriend, who was standing in the door. He looks so cute when he's sleepy she thought.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you up I just.."
"Is everything okay, love?" he said with concern in his voice.
"I..um.. yeah.. it's-it's fine.."
"That's weird because you don't look fine to me. What happened?"
She sighed. "It's ugh.. it's embarrasing."
"I'm sure it's not if it made you upset.. come inside."
She hesitated, but his puppy face convinced her.
"Do you want some water?" He asked when they came to his room.
"I don't really need water. I just need your hug.."
He pulled her into his arms and suddenly she was feeling safe again. She smelled his scent and that helped her calm down a little. She wanted to stay like that forever. He was rubbing her back the whole time she was in his arms and before she pulled away, he gave her a little kiss into her hair.
"So.. now you can tell me what made you so upset?" He asked.
"I-uh... I was scared. Ever since I was little I was scared of darkness and storm.." she said almost whispering and blushing.
A little giggle escaped from his mouth. "And how is that embarrasing?"
"I don't know.."
"Okay.. how can I help?" He asked, more sirious this time.
"Just... hold me.."
"I can do that.. are you feeling any better?"
She leaned her head on his shoulder and thighened her grip. "Much better."
"Okay.. what about you staying here for the rest of the night?" She barely opened her mouth when he added: "And I don't take 'no' as an answer! I don't want you to be upset or scared or feeling unsafe okay? Now lay down and try to sleep."
She was too tired to protest, plus she really wanted to stay here with him.
"I love you so much do you know that?" She said to him.
A smile formed on his face. "Yeah.. I know. And I love you too." He answered and gave her a light kiss. "Now let's go to sleep, love." Nothing will happen while I'm here, don't worry.
She layed down, with him behind her. He hugged her from behind and she took his hand into hers. She could feel his heart and somehow it was making her so relaxed. Before she was drawn into darkness, she realized how lucky she is to have him as her boyfriend. She fell asleep with a warm feeling around her heart that was full of love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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