Why can't white people use it?
Because there's a power imbalance in society. Since white people have more power, there's always a connotation to the word when white people say it.
But I'm not white...
Well the word 'Negro' means black and is a slur only against black people, regardless to ethnicity. Because of that, when non-black people of colour use the word, it's emforcing that power balance.
But why can black people use it?
Since the N-word is used against black people, it can only be reclaimed by black people. It can never have rasict connotation when used towards black people by black people because we're on the same level in society.
Can I use it in music?
Doesn't it mean friend?
No. It means black.
But my black friend let me use it.
It's not a matter of getting permission. You shouldn't want o us it despite who gives you a pass. Also your friend doesn't speak for the entire black community.
authors note-
For y'all non-black people saying the n-word.
Your welcome.
Also don't come at me with the 'that's not fair shit it was society so shut the fuck up.