Lams - Wounded

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lams - real time - 18th century

Alexander ran across the battlefield, gun in hand. He had to get to his tent immediately. The British were constantly firing, met with great force by the American revolutionaries, led by George Washington. Alexander had no idea where Washington was, or where any of his friends were for that matter, all he could focus on was getting across the field. There were constantly canons and guns blazing around him; he ducked to dodge bullets as he ran. The sound was deafening but all he could think about in that moment was how he was going to stay alive. He finally reached his destination and burst into his tent. Laurens was lying on his cot, nursing a nasty wound on his leg. Alexander ran over to him.

"Laurens! What on earth happened to you, you should be in the infirmary." 

He took the blood soaked rag out of his lovers hand and started to tend to his leg. There was a huge laceration across his skin, reaching down to the muscle. Alexander started to panic, this was really bad, he needed proper medical attention. John winced in pain with every touch, no matter how gentle Alexander was.

"Alexander. You need to leave, I can sort this out , you need to go and fight."

"Laurens, my dear, I am not leaving you alone here." John reluctantly agreed and Alexander gently kissed the top of his head, feeling John relax slightly.

Alexander spent the next few hours nursing John and had him cradled on his lap. He insisted that they go to the infirmary but John refused. There was nothing they could do. Alexander rocked back and forth, placing gentle kisses over his forehead, temples and neck. He told stories of the caribbean to try and calm him, it seemed to work. John was eventually lulled into a restless sleep. They stayed there for quite some time and Alexander soon began to fall asleep also.

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