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Geoff was out the door in seconds.

He was never late, and he wasn't going to start today. Burnie would kick his ass for it.

Jack and the boys laughed as he ran out the door in his boxers.

And yes he realized he had no pants and made the walk of shame back in front of the guys to grab pants.

Days like these were the one that Jack enjoyed the most. Geoff was always making dumb mistakes when he was tired. Michael and Ryan would sit and laugh with him while Geoff attempted to fix his mistakes.

That's why he loved the mornings. Laughter rang through the house. No arguments. That's just because Gavin and Ray weren't up.

Gavin was the usual problem.

Always fighting with all of them. Betting Michael to do stupid things that were always dangerous.

Jumping out of the window right into the rose bush had happened quite early this morning.

Geoff had just left. Michael and Ryan were up and running around doing who knows what. Somewhere in the process Ray was awoken and started playing with Michael, but he couldn't remember seeing Gavin. Gavin was awake though. Very. Awake.

Gavin and Michael were standing by the living room window. Yeah, Geoff had mentioned drilling it shut before, but he never knew there would be a predicament where it would have be helpful.

"Maybe you're just a baby!"

"Am not!"

Gavin had bet that Michael was to chicken to jump out the window. Michael wasn't dumb. He knew the foot drop wasn't dangerous, but unlike Gavin, Michael knew that there was a rose bush there. He also knew that roses had thorns. So that's how he was caught in a heated argument about being a baby.

"Then do it!"

"I will!"

Michael hated losing.

So that's when he found himself on the edge of the windowsill.

"Go on baby! Jump!" Gavin yelled.

Michael had turned back towards the ground. It didn't look that scary, but still.

"Gavin I don't think I should."

"Come on big fat baby!"

Michael was just about to jump, but Jack's voice rang in his ears.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

Michael slowly turned around to see Jack stand by the doorway, arms crossed.

"N-Nothing?" Michael smiled.

"Sure. Now get down from there," Jack said.

Michael climbed down and prepared for the lecture. Jack made sure the boys always knew right from wrong. Geoff probably would've just called Michael a baby and tell him to do it like Gavin.

"Why were you up there?" Jack asked.

"Gavin and I made a bet," Michael said.

"To jump out the window?"

"Maybe," Michael said.

"You are very aware that there's a rose bush right outside the window," Jack said.

"I know."

"Don't let Gavin tell you that you're a baby. Okay?" Jack asked.

"Alright, but how did you know?" Michael asked.

"Ray came and told me Gavin told you to ruin the roses," Jack smiled.

"Oops," Michael said.

"Yeah oops. Ray would've killed you if his roses were destroyed," Jack laughed.

"I know. I'm sorry Jack," Michael said.

"No problem kiddo. I'll blame Gavin for it," Jack laughed.

"Thanks Jack!" Michael said hugging Jack.

Even when the mornings resulted in injuries; Jack still loved them.


When things disappear and reappear.



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