Chapter 7

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Marcel's POV

I couldn't get Louis off my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he could find out, I couldn't.

My thoughts ran through my head as I was getting ready for school. I was brushing my teeth, to be exact.

I loved school, I just hated the waking up at 5:30 AM part.

I finish brushing my teeth, and get my normal attire on, the usual button up, vest, khakis, and dress shoes. Of course I have different vests and button ups. Today, my vest was baby blue with a whote button up, and shoes to match.

I finish getting ready for school, gather my things, head downstairs to say good bye to my mum, and head off to my car. I leave the house at 6:47 AM; right on time.

I get in my car and make my usual route to school.

I was thinking about random shit when it hit me; I have to study with Louis today. Holy shit I completely forgot. What was the project on again? Something on King Arthur? I don't remember.


Louis' POV

I look at the clock and it's 6:13 am. I had time to get ready for school.

As I got up, my alarm clock makes a noise. I woke up 2 minutes after the alarm beeped. Great.

I fix my bed and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth.

As soon as I finished, I decided to wear my S.J. pocket tank top and regular gray shorts with sock-less vans.

I place my books back in my backpack and head downstairs.

My stepdad takes my sisters to school early, so it's just my little brother, sister, my mom, and I in the morning.

"Hey," I spoke while grabbing a piece of bacon off of the plate.

"What did you do last night?" my mom spoke.

"I was at Zayn's," I mumbled. "I have to get to class, I love you."

She gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek and says, "I love you too."

I walk out of my house and head to my car and drive off to school.

Marcel's POV

I had just closed my locker to go to first hour when I saw Louis walk in. He looked perfect as hell. He had sort of a different walk, though. Maybe because I tore that ass up on Friday.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't seen his friends walk up next to me.

"Hey, fag, enjoying your view of our boy over there?" the one kid in the middle shouted, his name was Mark or something like that. I couldn't recall.

"U-um, what?" I managed to get out.

"You heard me!" he shouted.

"Okay, okay, there's no need to fucking shout at me. Stop harassing me. What have I ever done to you guys anyway?" I spat back. I was so sick of their shit.

"You're a faggot. That's what you've done to us," one of them said, then shoved me onto the floor and kicks my books away.

Dear god, what the fuck have I done? How did they know I was gay? What does it matter? Why were they doing this to me?

As I was thinking, the bell rang. I walk to my first period class, history. The class where there is a partner project. The class where Louis Tomlinson, is my partner. Which fucking means I have to see him. Damn it.

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