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chris 🌹
are u having fun yet

malia ❤️
i can't if u text me every
five seconds when we're right across
from each other 🙃

chris 🌹
mm but it's funny watching
ur reactions to my texts

malia ❤️
i will block ur number
i stg i will

chris 🌹
fine fine
u win


"Dude, for real? Stop texting me!" Malia frowned and hit Chris playfully on the arm.

He feigned hurt, putting a hand over his heart. "Like I said, your reactions are funny!"

She rolled her eyes, trying to come across as unamused. "Yeah, well, I don't want to be those people who text when they're in the same room as each other."

"Technically," he smirked. "We're in a bus."

She took a deep breath, hoping to control some of her annoyance towards Chris. "Shut the fuck up, Chris."

"Wow," William joined in the conversation. "I have literally never seen two people get along better."

Noora laughed beside him, noting his heavy sarcasm.

Malia scowled at him. "You can park your sarcasm outside, thanks."

"Still feisty I see."

She waved her hand, dismissing him. "So where are we going?"

She leaned back into the uncomfortable bus seat, resting her head on her friend's shoulder.

"Some small café in the marketplace," Noora informed her. "I thought it was cute."

"You think everything is cute," Malia scoffed.

"Yeah, and I'm usually right, thank you very much!"

Malia laughed, pulling out her phone as a habit.


chris 🌹
u look cute today

malia ❤️
and u look like an annoying
asshole today
but that's not rlly new

chris 🌹
i'm not even gonna acknowledge that

malia ❤️
u just did ;)


Malia smiled at Chris over the top of her phone, getting tired of pretending to be annoyed.

He grinned back, and then continued to text her. Just to annoy him, she made a big show of putting her phone on silent and putting it away in her bag.

This was going to be a fun day.

a/n; allo it's been a while!

anyway i caught up with s4 today and i had a heart attack when william & chris came back.

i couldn't breathe omg

have you seen the new skam episode?? comment if you have :))

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