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There once was a happy family that had no troubles in their life. The family was made up of a mother with her twin daughters. But that all changed one day.
The family were in a plane, heading back home from their vacation. They were happily minding their on business when suddenly, the plane was heading downward.
And crashed. A few minutes later one of the twins woke up only to find her mother dead.
"Mom??" She reached out her hand and gently shook her mother. "Mom?" She asked once more.
"MOMMA!!" She cried out. She knew her mother was dead but couldn't believe it. Not after when she lost her dad.
~~~~~~~(9 Years Later~~~~~~~

The time was 6 o'clock. One of the twins was silently sleeping while the other was awake. She couldn't go to sleep. It's been like this ever since her mother's death. She was slowly turning insane. One time, when she was at school, in the 5th grade....
The two twins were about to leave when a group of girls- a few boys- came up to them.
"Hey, we have something to show you two. It's behind the school. Let's go!" Said one of the girls.
"Okay!" Said the younger twin. The other stayed silent and nodded. They followed the group outside and when they got behind the school, the younger twin was pushed to the ground.
"Hahahaha! You're so stupid! Who would want to show something they found to some wierd twins!" Yelled one of the boys. Then they were kicking the younger twin. Bruises were starting to form around her body. While the kids where enjoying their 'fun', they seemed to have forgotten about the older twin. She was watching them hit her little sister. Her hair covering her eyes. Her body shaking. Her hands clenched. Then something inside her snapped. She grabbed one of the boys and punched him. The other kids stopped what they were doing and looked at the older girl.
'shit.' some of them thought.
They stood still, and so did the girl. Then she ran at the group and punched them one by one. They were suddenly scared because of her. Her steel gray eyes had turned red. Her aqua blue hair had turned white and grew. Her head had some kind of horns. Then they saw her back. She had black feathered wings. The group of kids began to run away afraid that she will kill them. Once they were gone, she turned back to normal and went to her sisters aid.
"Are you ok?" She asked.
"I'm fine sissy. Just a few bruises." Her younger sister said. The older twin sighed in relief.
"Hey sis.."
"I promise that I will protect you, even if I have to get hurt too."
"You don't need to! I can just take some defence classes!"
"Please. Let me protect you. I can't lose the only family I have left." The young girl gave up and nodded.
"Ok sissy. Only if you let me protect you the best I can too."
"Alright." The older twin responded with a smirk. She then stood up, holding out her hand. "Let's go home sis."
The younger sister took her sister's hand and said "Ok." Soon they both left, not noticing the shadow watching them from afar.
The girl looked out the window. 'I'll keep my promise sis. Until death may come.' She then turned the her sister's bed and smiled. "Love you sis. Have sweet dreams."
Wow! That was a lot of writing! I'm surprised. I never wrote this much. Well anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I did my very best to make it interesting. Have a great day to you all!

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