-19 Male
-Female 16 *lesbian*
-Female 19
-Female 17 *lesbian*
-Female 18 *lesbian*OVERALL PLOT: The 5 kids all attend a boarding school in NYC. The two pairs of siblings, (Female 16/Female 19 and Male 19/Female 18) share rooms. Female 19 and Male 19 are together as well as Female 16 and 18. Female 17 is Female 18's ex, who has recently returned to the school.
Male 19: An all-star baseball player, honor student, and dedicated boyfriend the all around package. He's been with his girlfriend for almost 2 years and he's incredibly dedicated to her and only her. He focuses all his time on baseball, school, and her. He loves his younger sister more than anything and he always takes her side. He's incredibly protective of her, and has mixed feelings towards her girlfriend. He just doesn't want to see her hurt.Female 19: She's a high honor student, and incredibly dedicated girlfriend and sister. She's a lot like her boyfriend. Focusing most of her time on school and her boyfriend. Like her boyfriend she's incredibly protective of her younger sister. She'll do anything to keep her safe and happy, always taking her side and defending her honor. When things get bad she flips on her sister's girlfriend which jeopardizes her own relationship.
Female 17 *lesbian*: She just returned to the school, after having been gone for a year. She's female 18's ex. The entire reason they broke up was because she was moving, there was no bad break up. They tried distance and it didn't work. She still has feelings for her ex, and decides to go after her again. Making the move on her ex, and trying to convince her to cheat.
Female 18 *lesbian*: She's not as scholarly as her older brother, but she's still a good student, and a pretty good soccer player. She's always stressed with school, she takes more classes than the average student so she can get more college credit. Sometimes the stress leads her to do impulsive things.. like cheat on her girlfriend with her ex. When she sees her ex has returned to the school, she becomes friends with her again. They're breakup was mutual and for the best. There was no fighting so they could be good friends still. Until it's revealed there's feelings on one side still.
Female 16 *lesbian*: She's a pretty laid back and chill girl. She gets good grades and makes honors but doesn't let it stress her out. Sometimes she parties, you know.. alcohol.. weed.. the things teenagers usually do to let loose. But she keeps up with her relationship and her school work. She loves her girlfriend more than anything, even though she can be kinda of distant sometimes. That's just how she is. Her girlfriend's ex moves back, and she gets really jealous. One day she walks in on the two of them kissing, and her entire world falls apart.