What a day✌🏻️

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I woke up from my nap this morning no shouting between both of my parents. Hmm interesting i wonder what is new. So i got up and do my morning routine before i go down and ask what day is it that after 9 years there's no shouting to wale the whole damn house.

So yeah i get ready and head down. unexpected my mom is there siting watching tv and im shock to see my dad cooking for us omggg what the dorkball is happening today but i feel something is off but i think i will enjoy this i wait for this for 9years crying out loud.

The day is getting over and mr moon is peaking. In my head i was wishing that everyday this will happen. Then in my surprise 2 kids run though the front door omgg is this my nephews that i never met. I was so shock to see them like did my big bro really let them see us and i saw him i cry i miss my big bro my hero that save me for a small time but i know that he has life and need to live it like he want but im so happy that they are here i miss him so much.

Again in my head i was shouting i freaking love this day but i dont know what this day really mean and im thinking to why and im sure there is really something off.

Im so right when 9pm took the clock things happened ...

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