Prologue ♚

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I AM BACK WITH THE PROLOGUE! It's nothing amaze but the first chapter will be up soon anyways and I'm sure you'll enjoy that :)



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   "We've arrived at the Styles Palace, m'lady."

Reina's head immediately pushed out of the window to gaze up at the most eminent place in the whole of Caunwaiton: The Styles Palace. The Styles Palace had architecture like no other in the entirety of Caunwaiton. Towers of a crimson color rose high into the hot, summer sky, enormous horse pastures and kitchen gardens surrounded certain parts of it, along with thick stonewalls.

  Words couldn't describe how magnificent the palace was, and how much bigger it looked in person. Reina's curious, emerald eyes rose up as she stepped out of the carriage, following up the dusty white to where a knight was standing.

"I still do not understand why we had to come all the way to Siremeth just to settle some agreements on land ownership with the Styles'," Reina muttered under her breath to her stepmother, Genevieve who had just climbed out of the carriage after her.

"Reina, if I hear your whining one more time, you will be forced to sit outside in this ridiculous heat with Myles," Genevieve warned her with a stern look, dark brown eyes gazing at Reina with an eyebrow arched.

"Doesn't that just defeat your reasoning for having me here today with you?" Reina questioned with a roll of her eyes.

"I can handle the discussions that will take place today without you," Genevieve spoke, keeping her stern brown eyes forwards with a fake smile attached to her lips.

Reina clamped her mouth shut to stop herself from talking back and giving a witty response. Her wide luminous eyes glanced behind her at Myles Taler, her bodyguard. His kind, chocolate eyes rose to meet hers, his lips curling in a smile as he bowed his head curtly at her.

Reina liked Myles, unlike most of the people in her kingdom. Despite his bravery and courage during the numerous battles he had fought and won in, people still judged him based on the color of his skin. The only reason they tolerated him the slightest bit was because he was an honorable knight. Reina's parents and brother loved him dearly and respected him greatly, looking past the fact that he was a colored man since her actual mother could relate to him.

Reina's mother, Rhoda, was a foreigner, infamously known as the Foreign Queen of Vardomos. She was hated on when Ronan Rahraenos married her, bashed and continuously discriminated against because of where she came from, which were the foreign lands of Khido. However, she showed the people of Vardomos what foreign people were really like. She showed the people kindness and love. She cared for the poor and provided for them. She won the hearts of the people of Vardomos in many ways, and ultimately led to become more open-minded and accepting, than the rest of the population of Caunwaiton.

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