Chapter 15: fam week.

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{Sophia's POV}
It's the first week of three until we leave.
This week is 'family week.'
Currently I'm at the grocery store with Matt. It's our last couple of hours together. So we're going to his house to watch a movie.
I'm excited for this week though. Tomorrow we're going up to the mountains for some hiking.

"Baby, can I get these?" Matt asked holding sour gummy bears.
I took them away from him and laughed. "Yes. Only if you share." Then I threw them into our basket.
We're basically getting a bunch of candy and snacks for our movie date.
I seen some chicken flavored gum and started cracking up.
"Hey babe, do you think this would be good?"
I turned around to face him, but he wasn't there.
I threw the gum back on it's shelve and looked for him.
I walked all over going through his favorite isles. Finally, I found him with his tongue stuck to one of the freezer doors.
I took out my phone and told him to smile.
"Baby, help me!" Matt mumbled as I laughed at him.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked trying to stop giggling.
"I don't know. Kiss me."
I narrowed my eyebrows. "How's that going to help?"
He shrugged.
I kissed his tongue with my warm lips. It finally unfroze.
Matt thanked me with a kiss.
"You ready for that movie?" He asked with a smirk.
I just nodded my head.
We checked out and left.

On our way to his house, he stoped the car.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he grabbed my thigh.
"Baby, I think I seen something. In the ditch. Stay here." Then he got out.
Of course I'm not going to stay in the car, so I got out and followed.
We seen a car flipped over with flames.
"Call 911!" Matt yelled throwing me his phone.
I called.
"There's been an accident!"
"Um, off of highway 12."
"Okay thank you."
As I was on the phone, Matt ran down to the car.
"They're coming!" I shout running by Matt.
"Baby get back!" He yelled pushing me back.
I watched him pull open the driver door.
"Hey man. You're going to be alright. Help is coming."
Matt was talking to the guy in the seat.
Eventually the cops pulled up with the fire truck and ambulance.
Matt talked to one of the cops while the ambulance rushed to the hospital and the firemen took out the fire.
Matt grabbed my hand and took me to the car.
"Did you know him?" I asked as he started the car.
He nodded his head. "That was Nate."
"Really? What'd they say? Will he be okay?"
I grabbed his hand and kissed it.
"He's okay. Just banged up and burnt real bad."
I nodded my head. "Babe, you saved him."
Matt smiled to himself, then shook it off. "Yeah, but he's still hurt."
We pulled up to the hospital and parked.
Before we reached the entrance, I stopped him. I softly grabbed his face.
"Look at me. Babe, you saved him. If it wasn't for you, he'd be in much worse shape right now."
He pulled me into a hug.
"I love you baby. Thank you for being my light."
He just made me blush.
"I love you too."
We walked in and asked to see Nate.
The receptionist told us we'd have to wait.
Matt called Sammy to inform him what's going on. Sammy called Nate's parents.
They all rushed to wait with us.
I texted Karen I was going to be late, because of the incident.
After an hour or so, Matt got grumpy, so I ran out to the car and got our snacks.
"Here babe." I said giving him his favorites.
He looked up and smiled at me.
I sat beside him as we ate our candy and stuff.
"Nate Maloley." A nurse shouted coming in the waiting room.
Nate's parent got up and ran to see him.
After 20 minutes, they came back out.
"Matt, he wants to see you." Mrs Maloley said.
Matt kissed my cheek and left.

{Matt's POV}
"Hey, look at you. It's like the accident never happened." I said trying to get a laugh out.
Skate laughed a little. "I just want to say thank you. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead. I don't know what I was thinking. At one point I'm loving on my girl, then we're fighting. I drove off before it got too serious. She started texting me. Right as I read her text, I hit a huge pot hole and started going off the road. I tried stopping, but I just rolled. My only thought was making it right with my girl. So, thank you for saving me. I owe you."
We bro hugged.
"Baby boy! You're alright! I heard everything you said. I love you so much. I'm sorry for causing so much pain. I love you and no matter what, I will always love you!" His girlfriend came running in.
We did a handshake, then I left.
I told Sam he could go see him now.
Then I ran up to my baby and picked her up.
"Matty, what are you doing?" Sophia giggled.
"I. Just. Love. You." I said between kisses.
I let her down and hugged her.
"Babe, I love you too." She said.
Then we left.

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