Chapter 1 :Where it all started

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Naruto woke up and to his daily routin and on the way on the school

On the front of the gate naruto saw a group of girls circling someone inside

But naruto didnt pay attention who ever that person is all he need to do is get to class or else Iruka sensei will lecture him all day long until his yellow hair become white

So while he ran into the school door before he could run more further someone grab him by the wrist and pulled him over in the center of the croud but when that person swith with that person naruto saw sasuke's face smirking

"THAT TEME!!!!"naruto shouts

And when he was in the center all girls get mad and slap him one by one

And when naruto got into class his cheeks was red and you could imagine and iruka let him free this time cause iruka natice maybe naruto was beaten up on the way here

"Ok class ill tell you your schedule

Our Principle Tsunade Naruto's

Kakashi Math Teacher
Kurenai Art Teacher
Guy Mapeh Teacher
Jiraiya History Teacher

And the new teacher will be in your schedule paper

Anyway get your number keys for your dorms" Iruka explained

"And you will start classes tomorrow for now you can explore the school" iruka said

And all the students rush out of the room of orientation

Naruto's POV
Nah ill just go to the dorm room i was assigned with ill just go to sleep i font want to run into that bastard just thinking of him make me sick

"lets see" i whisper as i saw my key number

"B07 eh well its on the other building" naruto said

"Well lets go!" Naruto said hyper and gone to his dorm number

Oy hi guys its me i know there are people here recognize me bec am the one who write Naruto UZUMAKI
I have many "SILENT"readers there

Well lets strart this ill just explain the dorm structure

G1-G100 is in the building in the side of the school

G-101-G300 is in another Building by the side of the Building of Girls Dorm1

B1-B100 is in the building on the other side of the school

Well there was a constructure error

The room B7 and B10,B8

So there Building is on the back of the school

So  B7 B8 B10 B101-B300

Tada where done expalining

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