Chapter 1 Meeting the Circus

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Chadry Nickelson can barely contain her excitement. This would be her first visit to the circus. In her sixteen years she was never really allowed to go anywhere as she always had to look after her grandma. In January her grandma got really sick and she lost her fight to cancer. Chadry miss her everyday but her new found freedom is something she's also enjoying.
As the result of always staying home Chadry doesn't really have any friends. She is always chatting online and this is how she got to go to the circus. She met this really cool guy on kik. He is always telling her how pretty she looks and giving her compliments. Chadry is not really stupid enough to believe him but it is always nice to hear things like this.

Chadry looks in the mirror. Her reflection shows her exactly why she cant believe Ben, her chat buddy.
Her weight is extremely obese. Her blonde hair is curly and unkept. The only thing really beautiful about Chadry is her big blue eyes. You can get lost in her eyes. Sometimes you would see hope and sometimes dispair. Her smile is also huge. But Chadry would never go as far as saying she is pretty. Maybe if she lost some weight?

"Mom!" "MOM!"
"What is it Chadry?  Goodness why are you always raising the roof?" Chadry's mom ,Elisa, looks irritated with the eldest daughter. Since January Chadry has been making life miserable for everyone aroud her. Sure she misses her grandma but everyone does. Thats no excuse to treat the rest of the house like dirt. Whenever she tries to discipline Chadry she would just get al teary and sulk for days.
" I told you im going to the circus with Ben!"
"Yes i know honey, what time must you be there?"Elisa asked.
Chadry rolls her eyes, she told her mom various times that she must be there at 6pm sharp.
"Oh mom, why must you be so old? Geez.. I told you we must leave here at around 17:30. The circus only starts at 20:00 but Ben said he wants to show me around and introduce me to the rest of his clan."
" oh, ok let me get my keys"

The ride to the circus tent was extremely stiff. Chadry wishes she could talk to her mom and explain why she's feeling like this. Her life is not her own, she could never have a normal child life, and now even after grandma died she must still stay home to look after her younger brother Peter, and baby sister Elizabeth. Chadry loved her siblings and her family but she's feeling frustrated.

"Thanks Mom" Chadry said.
"Chadry, wait a minute,  i know its been hard on you, and im sorry, I love you honey,  enjoy your evening, I will see you af 23:00."
"Okay thanks mom,  love you too".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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