Chapter 4--- The Fourth Door

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Blyke's P.O.V

We were once again standing in front of a door. It was huge. It seems tricky. The doorknob, it has spikes all over it. I know one way or the other we'll get hurt. The door was black. This door is a trap door. Once we get inside and do something wrong, we'll get... squished or... something.

"Alright! You have to find a ring inside that door! It may be as simple as that but, trust me, it is not. Good luck!" he then walked away. Vesk just touched a single spike and he was electrified. His hair was pointing up and his face was slightly burnt. There was even smoke coming out from his clothes.

"O--ka-y." he said stuttering. Everyone hesitated whether or not they'll do it. Juyhn was scared too so I guess this leads back to me. I stepped up and grabbed the doorknob with my whole hand. I wasn't electrified. Hmm... I guess it only electrifies someone if they only grab one spike or two. But, it does make your hands bleed due to the pointed metals. My hands were bleeding. My whole hands were covered in blood and the doorknob. Everyone gasped at the sight. Even Vesk that just recovered from the shock he took. Me, who didn't give a d*mn just continue to twist the doorknob. I didn't let them see any expression plastered on my face. For three years of torture, this is nothing.

When we entered, everyone was still quiet. The room was really messy. The inside is like a maze or a pyramid. A lot of writings, but the writing aren't Egyptian or something, it was written in plain English. I didn't want to read it since I know I made all of them after a few days of being stuck here. They just seemed to put a design and put traps but didn't erase my writings.

"Who... wrote this?" BJ broke the silence and stroked the wall, specifically one of the cravings I did. I didn't say anything and continued to look for the ring. Vesk was all over the place. Hyperventilating or something. Everyone else followed. There were broken glasses everywhere so we have to watch our steps. I know there are traps here. I just know it. I was very cautious about my surroundings. I didn't want them to get hurt. Until... *creaaakkkk* Kermi stepped on a trap tile. As if on cue, there were tiny holes in the walls. And, little daggers came out of it. Shit! I hurriedly run to BJ's side and covered her from the daggers. She was shock again. I smiled. She was more shock than before. This is the first time I smiled in my whole life whole-heartedly.

"I'll protect you." I huskily said and carried her bridal style. She just buried her face on my chest while I ran while searching for the ring. I made my steps light even though I was running and still carrying her in my arms. The others came from my behind and were running. Kermi stepped on another trap and we were falling. I held her in my arms. I'll protect you. When we landed from that fall, my feet were numb. The sudden fall and the impact made me a little limp.

"Now where in the hell are we?!" Vesk asked loudly. It was obvious from his tone that he was angry.

"Shhh! Not so loud!" Laze was nervous. It was written all over his face. The room was a little dark. But, I felt something was moving. I couldn't see it since it was far from us. Then, we heard a sudden laugh.

"KYAHAHAH! What young visitors! Come! Let us play! Whoever gets to land five cuts on me, you guys win and you're the winners of today!" He's the finale for today?

"Tsk. Don't underestimate a jock, fuck boy." Vesk didn't obviously put any manners to his tone which made the one who laughed stopped.

"Don't you call me names, boy! Among all of you, only one can land me more than I asked." Is he referring to me?

"Let me give you a hint."

"We don't need a d*mn hint! You old man!" Juyhn hissed, too. Suddenly, Juyhn was knocked down the floor, his arm bleeding.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Back to my hint. The hint is, in order for you to land a hit on me, you have to let me hit you ten times more. Got that?" everyone gulped. BJ tugged on my shirt.

"You can put me down now." I shook my head. I can't let you fight.

"Please?" I shook my head again. No... please.

"I just want to... see what's going on or something." I sighed silently and put her down gently. I found a sword behind her. I walked towards it and the one that laughed had an amused look at his face.

"What're your names?" he asked quite politely, despite his skinny body and red eyes.

"Hello, my name is BJ." BJ politely said. Isn't she afraid?

"Ahhh!! Yes yes yes! At least someone here is polite enough to answer me back!" he clapped his hand and attempted to go near her but I covered her again.

"So.... you are?" I stared blanky at his eyes.

"Blyke.." I silently said for only him to hear.

"Ah! Oke oke! How about the others?" everyone told him their names. They suddenly became scared at his eyes. True that his eyes were soul-sucking but, I didn't care. Juyhn went in first despite his fearful look. Juyhn couldn't land anything on him, instead, he was the one who got landed. It was a lot. It was his first time so I guess it's only natural for him to look at himself disgustingly and hurriedly covered in his own blood. He had a lot of cuts. Vesk did too. Laze landed one cut but, he got beaten up a lot than everyone else. It was my turn. I felt someone tugged my shirt, I looked at BJ.

"Good luck." I nodded and walked towards him. Holding my sword. I've never used a sword before. I was nervous. I was pathetic until I was fully covered by my own blood. I didn't give up. I've been through worse. I stood up again and faced him. The way he was swaying his sword, it's like he's being held down. Then, I saw a scar on his left rib. I suddenly strike for it and he got hit. I didn't waste time and sliced him ten more times. He was angry at my sudden action. He swayed again and I saw another spot. It was on his elbow, and so, I strike again and it hit him. He limped down and looked at me, amusingly.

"You're here." he smiled and said that creepily. I ignored him and went back to the others. I didn't mind any of my open wounds and cuts. A door suddenly went open and everyone run. I just held her hand since I was dirty by my own blood.

After dinner, we went to clean ourselves up. I was the last one since I insisted. Under our bed was the same serum he always give to me after another day of torture. Every guys hurriedly injected it on them. Me? I waited until I will go before bed. Everyone was already sleeping. Everyone except one.

"Blyke? Come here. I know it's cold." she patted her left side. I went to her hesitantly. I laid there beside her and she scooted closer. She moved the covers on our shivering bodies.

"You didn't have to save me..." She knew? I just shook my head slowly. She stared at me and I did the same.

"Why did you save me?" Why? I don't know. I didn't respond. I didn't know what to say in this kind of situation. I looked down at her lips and remembered our kiss. Sweet. Soft. Irresistible. Addictive. I shook the thought out mentally and stared at her sparking eyes.

"You gave me your blanket. And, every time danger is near, you'd always cover me." I just stared at her.

"Sleep." I softly said. She smiled and nodded.

"Goodnight, Blyke. Sweet dreams." I smiled also. She drifted off to sleep faster than I thought. After I've confirmed she's asleep, I injected the serum on me and went to sleep beside her.


Flirty, aren't we?

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