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"They tied you up?" Eleanor asked "Yeah, they did but I'm fine now Alvin stood up and free me" Brittany said. "That's good, I wonder why are they being weird lately?" Jeanette said thoughtfully. The Chipettes are walking home. The boys are going to meet Dave at the mall. "Yeah me too" Eleanor said "They didn't do anything to you right?" Brittany asked "Nope, just ignoring us and giving us scared looks with glare" Jeanette said sighing. Then a car stopped in front of them."Hey girls, wanna come to the mall with us? The chipmunks are already there" Dave said "Yeah they already told us they're going to meet you there. Thanks for the offer but we have lots of things to do" Brittany said "Well, I'm sure those things can wait" Dave said "Okay, we'll go" Jeanette said and the girls ride in. While they're on their way something inside their bag glowed pink, green and purple. They looked at each other. "uhhh, dave. We forgot Ms.Miller is letting us help her with stuffs" Brittany said "Yeah, she asked us to clean the garage and asked us to stay for the night." Jeanette said "Sorry dave but thanks for the offer" Eleanor said. "Okay, take care girls" Dave said as he stopped and the girls left the car. "Let's go girls, someone needs our help" Brittany said and the two nod their heads. And they run, clutching the object in their right hands.

With the Chipmunks.
"Dave's taking too long" Alvin said "I hope he's okay" Tehodore said "He just probably got caught in traffic else where" Simon said assuringly. Then Dave finally appeared. "Okay guys, I already parked my car.let's go.inside its a bit hot out here" Dave said and they entered. "Dave I thought the girls are with you? You texted us earlier" Simon said "Well, they remembered that Miss.Miller are letting them help do her chorses and they're going to spend the night with her" Dave said "Oh, but Miss.Miller never lwt them or anyone help her do her chorse" Alvin said "Yeah, well that happened since we slayed her hose" Theodore said "Maybe, there is an exception with the girls since she trusted them" Dave said "I agree with Dave" Simon said. "Okay where do you want to go first. Clothes shopping, Dinner, Book store?" Dave asked "Oh let's go eat first I'm starving" Theodore sais "Okay then we will go to clothes shopping and head to the book store last" Dave said "Yay! thanks Dave!" Theodore said. Then Alvin saw a jewerly shop. "Maybe.this could cheer Brittany up, she's been upset lately because of what happened" Alvin thought. "Dave, you go ahead. Just text me which restaurant, I need to hit the little chipmunks room" Alvin said "Okay then becareful" Dave said. Once Dave, Simon and Theodore went out of sight he entered the shop. "Wow, there are lots of Jewerly" Alvin said and jumped at the cashier table. "Hello miss, the names Alvin, Alvin seville. I am wondering if you have chipmunk sized bracelets because I'm going to give it to someone" Alvin said "Let me guess Brittany Miller?" The girl said in her name tag it read Clara. "Yes, how do you know?" Alvin asked "Well, I am a big fan of you and the chipettes. I knew you two are together" Clara said excitedly "Uhmm no we're not together. We're just best friends and she's upset with something and I wanted to cheer her up" Alvin said "Oh okay then. Well, I actually got Chipmunk sized bracelets over here" Clara said and pulled out the boxes. "You can choose" Clara told Alvin. "Oh uh, how much are those?" Alvin asked "399.99 dollars" Clara said and Alvin's eyes widened "How about rings because those are a little cheaper. I can't afford that much" Alvin said laughing nervously. "Oh okay then here" Clara said. Putting back the bracelets and bring out the rings. "These two are couple rings they are designed to be inexpensive for those people who can't afford their very own promise rings. Its only worth 29 dollars" Clara said "Oh i only got 15 dollars. But thanks anyway" Alvin said he was about to leave but Clara stopped him. "Well, I have a coupon here you can have 50% discount." Clara said "Really?" Alvin asked "Yup, here you can have these for 14.5 dollars" Clara said. "You can choose what ever design you want" Clara added. Alvin looked at the rings and saw two rings that has the engraving Together Forever. The other one has together and the other one has forever. He picked it and bought is. "Thanks" Alvin said and Clara nods her head. He left. "Thank you for buying Alvin, hope you and Brittany will end up together forever" Clara said she ssquealed because she really is a big fan. She got Alvin's signature on her poster. Everyone at the store looked at her. "Hmm. Oh there it is" Alvin said as he entered the restaurant. "Hey Dave, guys" Alvin said "Wwhere have you been?" Dave asked "Just the bathroom and I actually got a little lost. I'm not used in directions" Alvin said "Okay then here eat. I'll just go to the restroom" Dave said and left. "Where have you really been Alvin? I know you don't got lost" Simon said "Come on si have a little trust in me" Alvin said "I believe you Alvin" Theodore said "Thanks theo" Alvin said and smiled. After eating they went clothes shoopping. The boys asked Dave if they could buy the girls some clothes to cheer them up because they have tough time at school. And he agreed. After that they went to the book store. Simon bought a few books that Dave paid for him and he also bought the harry potter book set for Jeanette. "Okay guys, meet me at the parking lot. You can explore the mall for a few minutes" Dave said and head out bringing the stuffs. The chipmunks walk seperate ways. Simon saw the Jewelry shop that Alvin have been to. He netered it. "Good Afternoon. Do you have chipmunk sized accesorues that are little cheap because I just wanted to give a friend of mine a gift to cheer her up" Simon said "Oh hi Simon, I'm a fan. You're referring to Jeanette right?" Clara asked "Yeah" Simon said nervously. "Oh here you can choose" Clara said as she brought out the rings Alvin picked from. He chose the ring that has the engraving Best friend. He bought it the same price as Alvin and. He also gave clara a signature. "Wait, isn't this Alvin's signature?" Simon asked "Oh yeah, he went here earlier" Clara said and Simon smiled "Oh okay then. Thanks" Simon said and left. He hid the gift in his pocket. "Well, he meant well so I won't tell Dave" Simon thought and smiled widely as he head to the parking. Simon didn't noticed Theodore entered the shop as well. "Hi I'm theodore and-" Theodore was cut off when clara showed him chipmunk sized rings. "How do you know?" Theodore asked "Well, I'm a big fan and your brothers have went here in different times." Clara said "Oh" Theodore said "So you're going to give Eleanor a gift to cheer her up?" Clara asked "Uhuh" Theodore said "Then here's the perfect pick. You can choose what ever design you want." Clara said. And theodore chose the rings with the engraving one heart and two souls and paid the same amount like Alvin and Simon and again Clara got a signature. Theodore left. "What a great day" Clara said.

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