filler chapter...

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When everyone was eating a breakfast of bacon and eggs, an owl tapped on the window. Harry got up to answer it and relieve the owl of its load. It was the mornings magical ~D.W'. Harry scanned through the paper before smirking and reading it aloud to the group.

"Potter's family! In New York! What has happened?

"While coming out of the Leaky Cauldron last night, I found one Harry Potter heading towards the restaurant next door with a large group consisting of Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson and Sirius Black. 'Why is he in America', you ask? Well, he is visiting family. I asked him about this and he responded with 'My biological family is (dead). Well, except the Dursleys - actually, they might be, I don't know - but I don't count them as family anyway. Remus Lupin, one of my birth parents' best friends, died in the final battle last week.'

"'Oh, Merlin! I'm so sorry!' was my immediate response. Yet he just waved it off - truly a heart of gold.

"'Don't worry. I'm his child's godfather. And since he and his wife died and Tonks' (Remus' wife) mother is inconsolable, Teddy (Remus' son) is coming to live with me next week. In fifth year, when my godfather fell through the veil, I knew he wouldn't die, just end up somewhere else. So we faked his death. Dumbledore was using him. Sirius was my birth father's best friend in the world. He was named my godfather. He was wrongly accused of selling my family out to (You-know-who) and killing not only twelve muggles - or No-Maj's, as you guys call them - but also a wizard by the name of Peter Pettigrew. I later discovered it was Pettigrew who sold us out and killed those twelve muggles, cut off his finger and transformed into a rat animagus where he hid as the Weasley's pet for twelve years. Now, the rest of my family, when I got back from Hogwarts first year, the Dursleys did not come to collect me - they had abandoned me. I was found by Tony, who later adopted me. And Nick became another surrogate uncle. They are my family now, and the rest probably will be, in time, too.'

"I was stunned. The-boy-who-lived has a loving family? His own blood abandoned him? I decided to ask more about the Dursleys. What were they like? Who did they consist of? His answer shocked me to my very core. This is what our saviour went through?

"'There was my Aunt Petunia - who was my biological mother's sister - my Uncle Vernon, and my Cousin Dudley. None of them liked magic. They feared and resented it. They shoved me in the cupboard under the stairs as soon as they found me on their doorstep where Dumbledore had placed me the night before. They proceeded to... I believe the exact terminology was "beat the magic out of me". The thing is, Dumbledore knew about the animosity between the two sisters, yet knowingly placed me in an abusive household. Just makes you wonder what type of person he truly was.'

"I, of course, jumped right in. 'What kind of person do you think he was?' I asked.

"'Oh, he was all about the power.' was the reply. He then elaborated for our benefit. 'He lied, manipulated and stole from me, using my money to pay Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley to befriend me, Molly Weasley to "play nice" and Ginevra Weasley to marry me. They never actually were my friends - I've known since second year. But there is a reason the sorting hat wanted to put me in Slytherin.'

"Of course, I was shocked. I mean, the golden trio were fake? It's stunning! Completely unbelievable if it didn't come from the-boy-who-lived. I decided to drop the subject and ask about his families reactions to everything he's done. 

"'How has your family reacted to all your stunts in school? Even bunking off a year?'

"It was then that this reporter saw Tony Stark shooting a look at his adopted son - they didn't know.

"'There was a perfectly good reason for bunking off! (You-know-who) had created Horcruxes. They are extremely dark magic where you split your soul and place it in an object. (You-know-who) had created seven, eight including himself. And they (his family) haven't known - the only person I've told is Nick and even then it's the bare minimum. I'm showing them my memories now. or some reason, Dumbledore left me his pensive. We have just finished my fourth year - when Dad was kidnapped, I was a tri-wizard champion and (You-know-who) was resurrected.'

"I then wished him luck with not getting grounded. He simply laughed and told me that he had made them promise that he could not be grounded for something that has already happened.

"I repeat - he is good.

"I decided to go back to the subject of fake friends. I asked him what gave Ronald and Hermione away, he responded with 'Besides the fact their masks were crap?'

"I agreed.

"'Ronald got jealous at me for every little thing. It was ridiculous! And Hermione knew I don't like unexpected or hostile human contact - product of my upbringing. Yet every time I got something wrong or did something she didn't like, she snuck up behind me when I wasn't paying attention and hit me hard on the back of my head. It always made me stiffen and have flash-backs to my life at the Dursleys. The Weasley twins - Fred and George, my real best friends along with Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood - have been trying to help me get over it since they found out in fifth year. It has helped - I don't have flashbacks every time and I only stiffen when attacked from behind. They really are my true friends.'

"For my last question, I asked Mr Stark. 'What do you think of your son's escapades?'

"'I wish I didn't make that damn promise.' he grumbled to everyone else's humour. 'No, but I'm really proud of him. Definitely scared for his life, but I wouldn't be able to do half the things he's done - I'd be dead ten times over by now! And I'm only on fourth year! I also have a horrid feeling that it's only going to get worse.'

"My condolences go out to Mr Stark - he will have at least twenty years knocked off his life in the next few days!

"For more about Dumbledore, see page three.

"For more about Lord Potter-Black's company, see page nine."

Harry was smirking maliciously by the end. "Man, they are going to hate this! I'm going to theirs tonight to see their reaction. Can't wait!"


A/N: Hey guys, sorry it wasn't up yesterday. Saturday I was dragged to Truro all day, yesterday I was packing, then we had guests round. Well, I'm off to Munich tonight! Can't wait for it. All packed! Anyway, rate and review! Love feedback! And I will see you next week. Love ya!


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