Yet Again Another Chapter (I'm just gonna make really annoying titles!)

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"King Brice!" I heard the guard yell "Stahp!" 'No..No!!!' "Oh yeah.. sure! Like I'm gonna stop, just so you can take me back to the life I hate most!"

Guard's POV

"King.. Guys! We lost him!" I yelled "Alright Knight Matthrty!" (pronounced Mat-Tehr [Teahr]- I- ty)

Seto's Turnn!

***Magical TIME SKIP to tomorrow*** *SOME STALKER IS KNOCKING ON SETO'S DOOR* "Uhhhhgggg.." I groaned into my pillow. Someone was at the door at 3 in the dang morning! *Stalker knocks louder this time!* 'ughhh!' I thought so I just forced myself into the industrial Antartica that I call my room and to the front door and open it "Hi.." The king said "Can I come in?" "Sure!" Ok mabey I  kindofsortofreallyhaveacrushontheking..."Hey! Seto, wasn't it?" "Uhhm..Yes?"  "Well, I have to tell you something." "What?" "I-I'm-"



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