The Kidnapper

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Lucy woke up in a strange room. She knew it wasn't hers but when she sat up she was over come with pain. She laid back down and didn't move but continued to think about what happened. Then the door caught her attention. It opened revealing the one that kidnapped her. Jackal. "I see your awake blondie." Lucy snarled at him. "You're blonde too!" "Whatever." "Why am I here?" She asked. "Because then Fairy Tail will have to come after you which means we have the advantage. And when they get here it will be all over." Lucy looked at him puzzled. "Never mind." He looked at her and saw the wound. "Does it hurt?" "Huh?" "That wound idiot." "Well duh. Why wouldn't it hurt talking kitty!" "HEY! Don't call me 'kitty'!" "Whatever... Kitty." "GAH!" He clicked his fingers and an explosion happened on her ankles. She cried out in pain. "You deserved it." He watched as withered in pain and sighed. He walked through another door and a few minutes later came back in with bandages. "Can you sit up?" She did as she was told but struggled as she did so. He applied some stuff (don't know what it's called) and then applied the bandages.

After a few minutes Lucy was able to sit up properly in the bed. "Where am I?" She asked. "Tartarus. Where else? Blondie." Lucy pouted at his comment and looked away. "You're blonde too ya know." She muttered. "Why am I here? When you attack me couldn't you have just killed me?" Jackal thought about it for a moment. To be honest the other demon gates don't know that she is here. "Because then Fairy Tail will fall at our hands." He said. Lucy reached for her keys but that was when she finally realised they weren't there. "Where are my keys?!" She cried out. Jackal had to cover his ears because of her loud shriek. "Shut up blondie! And there're up there." He said, pointing to the ceiling. "But if you touch them both you and your keys will go boom!" He said laughing a bit. That was the final straw for Lucy. Her keys were her first friends. And now they're taken and she won't be able to see them again just like her friends in Fairy Tail. Tears began to fall from her eyes. "Don't cry it's pathetic." Jackal snarled but he couldn't help but feel the slightest bit guilty. "I can give you one." He said. When he did Lucy jumped at the chance to have one. It doesn't matter who. Jackal made the keys float down to him and he took one of the silver keys. "Here." He said handing it to her. And she recognised the little symbol anywhere. "Plue." She whispered. "Thanks..." she mumbled. She then summoned him. Jackal left as Lucy began to talk with Plue and play with him.

I know it's not that long and sorry for the late update it's because of some problems at home. But here's the chapter! I will try and update as much as I can. See y'all later!

JaLu - Demons LoveWhere stories live. Discover now