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Nico's POV

"It's all black that's all he ever wears"

"the younger campers are scared of him"

"I know he helped save the world but he could at try not to live up to the death thing"

I wasn't meant to be hearing this. This evidently wasn't meant for me to be listening in to. The campers speaking wouldn't dare to talk like that about me. They were scared.

Did I wear too much black? I didn't really pay attention to what I wore half the time but it couldn't be all that bad could it? Were my clothes really the reason a a look of fear came into campers eyes when I went near them?

Sighing I went back to my cabin. Which was the typical idea of what the Hades cabin should look like. Did I look like what a typical Hades son would look like? I didn't know there wasn't anybody alive that I could ask.

I opened my wardrobe trying to ignore that the handles were in the shape of skulls and realised that there wasn't any other colour than black in my wardrobe. It looked like a dark abyss or the entrance to Tartarus.

Flinging open one of my drawers revealed that all my socks and underwear were black as were my jewellery and my duvet and pillow case covers. Also when I checked I found that my actual pillows and duvet were black on the inside were black as well.

My walls were black, my cabin was black. My hair was black. My eyes were black What wasn't black? Maybe my heart was black my mind certainly was and my life. Everything about me screamed darkness and pain and loneliness.

I sank down to the middle of the floor. The room spun around me turning into a black hole that sucked me into it threatening to never leave me go rocking back and forth slowly while the hot tears streamed down my face. I didn't have the courage to check what colour they were.

After some time had passed I'd recovered enough to stand up and lie down on my bed wiping my damp face with the back of my hands.

I know that I'm overreacting. So what if everything I own is black, it's not that big of a deal, to me, but apparently it's a pretty big deal to the other campers. Was I really that scary?

Rubbing my eyes furiously to prevent the incoming onslaught of tears I decided that I better head to lunch. I couldn't believe that it was lunch already but breakfast had ended a long time ago and after accidentally hearing what the other campers thought of me, my appetite seemed to disappear. It hadn't quite reappeared but Will would kill me if I ended up fainting again.

Once I'd returned to the pavilion I got my food and headed for the Hades table, careful to avoid contact with anybody. I hunched over my food placing it into my mouth but it remained tasteless. My head ended up on the table my face hidden by my crossed arms.

"Hey neeks" a feminine voice called I lazily waved a hand not bothering to even check who it was. "Nico are you tired or something?" The voice asked. Closer this time I presumed that they had sat down on the bench in front of me.

"Come on, if you don't talk to me I'll tell Aphrodite your single and looking for a troubling love life." She crooned.

I decided after much deliberation that the comment deigned a response so I sat up, looking at the daughter of Aphrodite with my red puffy eyes "Do want you want, I don't really care" I replied tonelessly.

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