What keeps you up at night:~

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Aries- Thinks there's still a monster under the bed 👹

Capricorn- Smile dogs constant snoring and barking for no reason 🐶

Gemini- listens to Aries constantly whimpering and occasional screams 😱

Cancer- Thinking about boyfriend/girlfriend 😍

Leo- drank too much coffee ☕️

Virgo- thinking about tomorrow 🌈

Libra- hearing Ben's game sound effects 👾

Scorpio- is the one playing games with Ben 🎮

Taurus- thinking about the future 🤗

Aquarius- is freaked out by the strange noise coming from the other room 😉

Pisces- listening to Aquarius cussing rather loudly about the noise 🤢

Sagittarius- can't sleep because Grinny keeps kneeding on their chest....😻

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