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Ever since we've gotten here we either sleep or lounge around. Although I'm getting used to Taehyungs cuddles... I'm also getting bored.

I haven't killed someone in how long? Let alone had a fight. Jackson and Bambam seem to have taken a liking to leaving me and Taehyung alone at all times.  Not that I'm complaining but it's pretty weird.

Once again I'm here stuck in bed with a sleeping Taehyung wrapped around me. Since there is never anything to do sleeping becomes a usual thing.

I slowly went to get up. I really need a shower to clear my thoughts and everything. As soon as I was about to fully slide out from underneath Taehyung he moved and grabbed me.

"Where do you think you're going Kookie?" He asked still noticeably sleepy. I mentally groaned in my head. Why won't this kid let me go??

"I need to take a shower Tae..." I said already ready to just dash out of the room. But what he said made me falter.

"Take me with you. I don't trust you so I'm going with." He said shortly getting up seeming determined.

I rolled my eyes taking out my phone and lifting it up so I could see the dim screen. He slipped under my chin to see what I was looking at on my phone. (Like picture above)

I laughed and quickly pulled up the camera on my phone to take a picture of the weird position we were in. He smiled for the picture and after taking it I pulled away.

Remembering what we were talking about before I sat him back down on the bed. "So... I'm coming, right?" He asked again.

"Tae no. You're not going in the bathroom while I'm taking a shower." I said face palming. I went ahead to go to the bathroom about to close the door when Taehyung slipped in next to me.

"Kookie yes." He said mocking me and sitting on the counter with his arms crossed like a kid.

I rolled my eyes and glared "fine" I started taking my shirt off and he squeaked covering his eyes making me chuckle.

I unbuckled my pants and took them off when I noticed Taehyung peaking through his hands.

"Getting a good view there, Tae?" I teased him.

"N- no way!" He stuttered completely  covering his eyes. I rolled my eyes and completely stripped all my clothes and got into the shower.

I closed the curtain and began washing myself. I heard Taehyung start to hum.

"Kookie..." I heard Taehyung say.

"Hmmm.. what?" I said back.

"Hurry up I need to take a shower too." I could already hear the pout in his voice. I rolled my eyes. There is no way I'm rushing my warm shower. So I did what any rational person would.

I got out of the shower and pulled him in with me. He squealed and tried to get out. I held him there and took off his shirt.

"Taehyung.. You're making this more worse than it already is. Either take off your clothes yourself and take a shower or... I'll do it for you." I warned him. He looked down but then quickly looked up after realizing that that was a mistake making me smirk as he got flustered even more.

He nodded his head and slowly pulled his clothes off covering himself when he was done making me roll my eyes again.

I stared at his smooth tan skin and small body. He was really a good looking kid. I bit my lip.

"Kookie..." he said snapping me out of my thoughts. He turned around basically show casing his nice round ass. Fuck. Okay.

"Here." I said rubbing shampoo in his Hair and washing it for him taking my mind off other things. He stood still, but then relaxed into my touch.

When I rinsed his hair he turned around and reached up to do mine making me smile a little. Since he was shorter he had to come closer but it was nice. When we finished I kissed him on the forehead making him blush. What a cute kid, he kinda resembles a little puppy.

I got out and tied a towel around my waist. Then I grabbed the big fluffy towel and wrapped it around him and started drying him myself. He looked like a cute little kid making me laugh a little and kissed his forehead again.

I picked Taehyung up bridal style in his white fluffy towel and started walking out the bathroom door. He looked up at me while his fists rested against my bare chest.

I stuck my tongue out at him making him giggle a bit. I feel like I'm entertaining a child. Thinking that made me roll my eyes to myself.

As I was about to safely make my way back to the room without being caught or anything I hear Bambam and Jackson chattering.

"...tottaly an- oh! Don't you guys look domestic as fuck." I hear Jackson snicker making Bambam laugh. I was about to put Taehyung down but then remembered what he was wearing, or well... what he wasn't wearing and decided to bury him closer into my chest.

"..Domestic...? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked glaring at them. I have no fucking clue what they say about us lately. It's been things like 'Goals' or 'otp' etc. Which I have no clue what that all means.

"You guys are acting domestic... Like a... married couple." Bambam laughed and clutched his stomach while pointing at me. I felt my heart jump and then my eye twitched. I felt Taehyung bury his face into my chest even more and his face heated up.

"Are you insane?! No way!" I barked at them glaring daggers at them.

"Yes as you stand there carrying Taehyung BRIDAL STYLE coming strait out of the shower that you took TOGETHER. You can't possibly tell me that you guys are not at least fucking" Bambam laughed with Jackson joining in slapping his knee as if it was the joke of the century.

I growled and put Taehyung down making him swiftly go into the room as I blocked the two idiots from even seeing his figure. "You guys are REALLY asking to die. I'm not fucking him or anything of the sort. He's just some fucking kid!" I snapped at them quiet enough for Taehyung not to hear from inside the room.

I took one step towards them and they went flying down the stairs away with me in fear with Jackson yelling "just wait and you'll finally see that you love him~" I clenched my fists at that.

There's no fucking way I'd love that kid romantically. Hell, I love nobody! I went to turn around and go into our bedroom when I seen Taehyung there.

He had tears in his eyes making me reach for him to brush away his tears. "Whats wrong Tae? If it's what they said, ignore them they're dumbasses." I said to him kissing the top of his head again like before.

"D-do you hate me? Am I just an annoying kid?" Taehyung said starting to cry harder. I sighed, he probably heard what I said.

"No, you're an important kid. Okay Tae? If I hated you, you wouldn't be here and I wouldn't try so hard to keep you." I kissed his forehead again and guided him back into our room to change into actual clothing.

I brought him into the closet and picked one of my big sweatshirts. I dropped his towel and softly lifted his arms up. He blushed as my eyes trailed his body. I put the sweatshirt over his head. It went down to his mid thighs.

I turned around and grabbed some shorts, bending down for him to step in so I could pull them up his smooth legs. When I finished I kissed the top of his head sending him out so I could change.

I threw on a t-shirt and some sweat pants. I sighed placing my head against the wall. I know I don't love him... he's like a really important cute kid that has an extremely nice ass and someone that I care about. But... Am I acting to close with him? Should I stop? Does he want me to stop? Do I want to stop? I.... don't. I sighed and lightly banged my head on the wall closing my eyes.

This is going to be a long ride.

Chapter 30 and 31 will have lots of questions answered, just a heads up even if this is only chapter 19

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