Chapter 1

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*****Scarlet's P.O.V*****

     I woke up like usual. I was in pain from yesturday but I'm so used to it now. I picked out my clothes for today skinny jeans a black shirt and my over-sized hoodie. Ok so maybe I got it from Kaleb before he left. Kaleb is like my brother. He was the reason I actually had happiness in this orphanage. After I got my clothes I ran to the bathroom. I was in the middle of my shower slightly humming Catch Me by demi Lovato. Yes I am a fan of hers. But during the middle of my shower some one yelled

"Get out of there slut."

"Putting on makeup doesn't make you any prettier."

"Get your fat arse at of there."

They didn't hurt me. I was so used to it. I saw my reflection in the mirror and noticed they were right. I AM FAT. Yes I know I'm fat. When I saw my reflection it was repulsive. 65 pounds of pure fat. I got dressed real fast and walked out the bathroom. There stood Ashley, Beonca, and Chelsea. They all hate me. They are the ones telling me I'm fat. But hey, I already know this. I've known since I was 10 that I was fat. yes right now I am 14. I was put in her at the year of 10. But it doesn't matter.

"Ewe look shes been sneaking food guys."

"Ashley she has not,  she just steals off others plates." said Chelsea.

"Let me go" I said trying to sound confident but failing, Miserably.

I tried again " Go awa-".


I looked at Ashely feeling the tears in my eyes. Not because I wad shocked and betrayed, but because I was so used to this but it still caused pain. Ms.Palmetto (Beoncas mother) walked up. She shook her head when she saw them hitting me. "Scarlet stop harrassing these young ladies"

"But I did--"

"No buts go to your room and get prepared we have a very important visitor coming. Ashley she might want you and Chelsea. She said Lovely ladies so I will put in a good word" and with that Ms.Palmetto was gone.

yep that's right. She hates me. Always has always will.

At 3:00 the visitor was coming. I looked at the clock it was 2:59. One more minute. I went to the corner, isolated from everyone. yes If I wanted to be adopted I should stay in the front, but all people ever want is the younger, cuter ones.

***Demi's P.O.V***

Today I'm going to adopt a child/teen. I was thinking some one not too young because I wouldn't have enough time for all that. maybe like a 10-16 year old. mostly because I can relate to them.

When I walked in I saw little kids playing blocks, teen boys standing around or playing FIFA. Or Call Of Duty. then I saw the teen girls. When they saw me they literally screamed their ears off.

As I walked in more I saw a girl sitting in a corner. from over here she.looked about 10. As I was making my way over there two girls came up to me.

"Omg Demi Lovato you are my hero."

"I'm soo sorry I did this but I cut myself"

"omg Demi I wish I was a warrior like you"

And more coming from three girls.

they looked about in the age range but something told me they were lying about there cuts. I mean usually when you cut, you dont want anyone to know. Not any one at all.

After they said that I nicely smiled and walked away back to the mysterious girl in the corner.

When I walked over I noticed how skinny she was. She didn't notice me come over simply because she was listening to music. I guess she didn't even know I was here. Being the curoius person I am I looked over her shoulder to see what she was listening to. When i saw it was, " Warrior ", I smiled.  For some reason knowing she was simply a fan without knowing I'm here made me happy. I tapped her shoulder lightly but couldn't help noticing how bony it was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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