Mr. Player Got Played! - Chapter 3: Wondering ...

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Alexander POV

I just shifted my weight to my other foot. It was getting pretty boring and tiring just standing here and reading.

'Maybe I could go and sit at the library ...' I thought and then realized that at this time, Mr. Richardson was having detention.

'Damn detention kids!', I cursed in my head. 'I mean, why should they have the comfy, warm and quiet library all to themselves! It's like a reward, instead of a punishment!' I yelled in my head.

I then sighed and decide not to think about it and finished writing my text to Victoria. I loved my cousin, I really do, but sometimes I wish that she could just call or text and ask 'How are you?' or 'What's up?'.

Maybe then I could tell her how my time here in school is a living hell, how I miss my brother and her - who just happens to be my only friends. How much I hate being called "Frankenstein" and "Ugly Betty", just because I don't dress like the rest of the sluts here!

I finished my text and sent it:

'I miss you to, V. School's great, thanks for asking xP

I just wish that you and big bro, was here and got my back!

I reeeallllyyy hate school, and everything is so BORING! But it get's better

when you and bro call & text :P

Bye, Peace! Amiga <3'

My mind started to race about how Victoria really had it there in New York. She goes to the "New York Performing school Of Arts".

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice anything around me. That was until I heard someone clear their throat.

I froze inside, I saw who it was out of the corner of my eye. I looked down at my feet and took a breath to slow down my wildly beating heart.

I slowly looked up and my eyes met the most beautiful green eyes that I have Ever seen! But I knew who's eyes I was gazing into ...

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