Chapter 21

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Hey. So, I've basically been having major writer's block with all of my stories except for Running Against the Wind, so updates may be slower than expected or wanted. Please don't comment things like, "update faster" or "move the story along please" or "update please". That kinda gets annoying after a while, but I am trying my hardest. I'm sorry I haven't been the best at updating though, I will try harder in the future. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I am also looking for a partime editor that can kinda go through the chapters on my stories and fix the mistakes in them. If you're interested, email me at Don't question my email. It was during my One Direction obsession😂😂😂. Enjoy this chapter!

Autumn got up out of the bed and started to go downstairs, Stiles grabbing her arm and linking it in his. She smiled at him and they went downstairs together, sitting at the dining table where Derek had gotton breakfast ready. The two sat at the table and everyone started their meal, sometimes arguing about who got what, but otherwise everything was fine.

"Autumn, make sure you tell us if that bite is healed okay? We need to figure out what you are. I mean, you're not dead, so that means it went well, but we just have to make sure." She nodded and smiled at him. He smiled back and they went back to eating. She looked down at the table for a moment and frowned slightly, lost in thought. Stiles realized that Autumn wasn't doing anything and looked at her in confusion. "What's wrong hun?" She looked at him, startled.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking." She said reassuringly. He nodded again and gave her a questioning look, putting his fork down.

"Bout what hun?"

"Just..." She paused pursing her lips slightly. "What if I'm something weird or I'm not a werewolf." She asked him, slight fear and anxiety clouding her eyes. Stiles smiled sympathetically and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Then you're something weird." He said, shrugging slightly. "I mean, when I was bitten, I turned into a fox." He told her, sliding his hands from her shoulders and gently grabbing her hands in his. "It was awkward for all of us because of something I'd rather not talk about at the moment." He explained, mumbling the last part and looking down, his eyes clouding over with memories of the past. He snapped his head up again and gave her slightly forced smile. "But, hey. It's not awkward anymore and almost all of us are something out of the norm." The fox said, gesturing around the table. She cocked her head.

"How so?" She asked. He pointed towards Derek first.

"Well, he became a True Alpha, which really shouldn't have happened because Scotty," He gestured towards Scott, who looked up in confusion when he heard his name with a mouth full of sausage. "Was already one, and there's suppossed to be only one True Alpha a century." He said. Autumn nodded and listened as Stiles continued. "Peter over there is a Zombie Wolf basically. At least, that's what he is in my phone. He was dead and somehow contacted Lydia, banshee wolf btw, and forced her to bring him back to life. He's mellowed out a lot though and is part of the family. Even though he tried to kill us all before. Jackson over there was a kanima. Somehow, Lydia's love for him turned him into a werewolf like he was supposed to be when he was turned." He said. She nodded and looked at him in confusion.

"What's a Kanima?" she asked.

"Basically a giant lizard creature who does the deeds of his/her master. In this case, Jackson's master was Matt, but then Gerard, Allison's grandfather killed him and became Jackson's new master." He explained. She nodded and he continued.

"Erica was turned because of her epilepsy, Isaac because his now dead father abused him, and Boyd because he wanted a fresh start. Erica and Boyd were also both brought back to life." He said. Pain filled his eyes as he turned towards Allison and Aiden.

"Allison and Aiden were both brought back to life. They were killed at... at my hand." He said, looking down at the floor again. "I don't like talking about it, so we're gonna skip that story for now." He said. she nodded in understanding and he continued. "Ethan and Aiden both were alphas but somehow they're statues was ripped from them and they're both betas now. Hayden and Cory were both byproducts of the Dread doctors, who combined different supernatural creatures. Hayden was turned by Scott after the work the doctors did on her started killing her. Cory is a Chameleon basically. He can turn invisible and he thinks that makes it okay to prank us all the time." He said, shooting Cory a dirty look. The boy in question shrugged and grinned. "Mason is our only human at the moment. He doesn't want to be turned at the moment and Kira is a kitsune." He finished, shrugging. "Liam's pretty normal. Beta wolf turned by Scott." He looked her in the eyes. "Don't you ever worry about not fitting in here. If you ever think that, just remember that you're surrounded by a bunch of people who don't fit in. We're not your typical wolf pack." He said reassuringly. She smiled and gave him a hug. He hugged her back and gave her a small smile as he turned back to his food. Autumn turned to her own and smiled to herself, knowing that no matter what happened to her or what she became, this was one family who would never leave her.

Yeah, so, sorry this chapter was so short. I didn't really know what to do with this, but Autumn's creature will most likely be revealed in the next chapter. Keep reading lovelies! ❤❤❤

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