Chapter 9

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(Finally updated and out of my depression zone. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and it may be different from the last chapter because I didn't check the other one.)

(Slasher's P.O.V)

The slashers were just sitting down, watching out for people walking on the woods trails, or thinking of a way to get back home. The thought of going back home made their hope and doubts disappear because there may never be a way to go home, plus they don't know their way around the place there were put in. 

Everyone seemed to get depressed or some of them aren't feeling anything at all or may just start feeling something that they never experienced. So many weights were being put on their shoulders, the feeling of not being comfortable made their muscles and bones ache, and they couldn't go anywhere for the fear of being seen was too great. 

Each one of the slashers started to fell more comfortable with each other which is a good sign and that means no one will be found torn to pieces, maybe even gone. A sudden voice caught them out of thought or whatever they were doing, the more they listened the more the voice, now voices, became clear. 

The voices seem to be coming towards them, which they quickly got up, stretched, and hid somewhere along the trees and bushes. No one said anything, no one made a noise, and no one dared to move just in case the people see them. 

The voices now had been identified as females and they seem to be talking about them, but maybe they're just hearing things. I mean how could anyone like them for what they looked or did? They were just monsters to everyone who say them, which hurt much more than the pain of being killed. They stopped thinking and listened to what the females were saying. 

"To me, the Slasher's are people who are misunderstood because they aren't doing it just because they want to, it's because something had happened them that made them this way. People don't understand this because they have no clue what they had been through. Some of the slashers had been bullied, abused, and died a horrible death. They want revenge for what has happened to them." Said one of the females. She sounded absolutely beautiful, intelligent, and sad by what she had said. 

They were in shock for what she said was somewhat or completely true about them, they could barely contain their happiness of such an understanding person like her. If only they could come out of hiding and tell her thank you for her intelligence. The woman seemed like a very caring, nice, beautiful, person that would be perfect for any man who is true to her.

They could not see what she looked like, but they could only imagine. Her friend didn't say anything after that, maybe she was in shock of her friend's words. A while after that they came into view and they were right about the woman's beauty. 

(H/C) hair fell onto her shoulders like a waterfall, (e/c) shined like the brightest stars holding such life and emotions within them. a curvy figure a little chubby but that just counts into your beauty, a face that has a smile on it, ears with piercings and a nose piercing too. To them, you looked like an angel sent from the heavens to keep beauty on Earth. 

Each slasher took his turn to think of you, look at you, and have questions in their minds ready to ask you, only if they could. They felt like they were in chains, restricting them from moving towards you. The slashers were already trying not to lose themselves in you and they continued to think of you until your friend cut them out of their thoughts. 

"Do you ever think that if you meet them you would say this to them or think that they are listening? If you did ever meet them what would you say?" The friend said eager to get an answer from you, but so were the slashers. All of them were looking at you now as you thought of an answer.

"If they did get a chance to hear me say that I would be grateful because maybe they would feel a bit better about themselves and for meeting them I would say that its ok to feel afraid and show emotions even if they are serial killers. If they have any problems that they could come to me for anything and I'll help them get through them, just because they are killers doesn't mean we can just block out their feelings and backstory. They deserve to be understood for what they did and maybe, just maybe, I'd become the one that they can depend on." The (h/c) female said after a minute or two. 

They couldn't believe what they heard, neither could your friend. You both were walking but now has stopped for you had said something that has great power and almost made the slashers, even the strongest slasher, crack and break down crying. 

You added something that was true and believable, "Plus everyone has flaws and imperfections but that makes us, us. Emotions being kept inside will soon explode into breaking points for someone and cause something inside them to break." 

That was all they needed to hear before falling in love with you, maybe not yandere but close enough. The friend that was with you suddenly hugged you and surprised you for second before hugging back. The two girls hugged for awhile before parting the girl's friend looked to be crying not of sadness but happiness. 

"Did I ever tell you how much of a great person you are or how much I love being your best friend/sister?" The girl laughed and nodded. They started to walk away again but this time not talking and enjoying the peaceful quietness of the woods. 

The slasher's eyes followed your walking figure going further and further away from them. They were still in shock and amazement but quickly moved to follow you, watching every sway of your hips make as you walked. You were incanting to them more than just an angel, a goddess to say the least. 

At the end of your walk with your friend, you both parted your ways waving to each other and saying goodbyes and see you tomorrows. The slashers followed you home and luckily it was dark out plus they wanted to make sure that you made it home safely. They were also pretty sure that you saw one of them but only brushed it off. 

Once you arrived home they saw a close up to your home, at first they thought you were older and lived alone before you read out the note on the door that they missed from admiring your house. 

They gathered that you lived with your older brother and saw that your brother left the front door locked which meant you had to use a key to get in. Once you walked into the house the slasher quickly walked to the side and back of the house watching you move in between rooms. 

They watched you sit in the living room turn the tv on, switched between channels, watch movies and was shocked that it was about them and their killings. You then go onto your phone texting and laughing at it because of your friends they were guessing. Soon enough you stopped watching the movies and got up from the couch, heading to your room they guessed. 

They backed up enough for you not to see them but also to get a look into your room from the top window. They watched you get changed, go back to the living room, and after that head back up to your room to go to sleep. 

Once the lights turned off, the phone was plugged into its charger, and you got comfortable in bed sleeping the continued to look through your room moving every now and then to get a better look at you sleeping. 

A few moments later your brother pulled up in the driveway and parked in the garage tired from a day hanging out with his friends. In that moment the slashers had enough time to hide away from him seeing them and watch as he walked to the front door, not being able to see him get out of his car. 

After watching your brother do everything he had to do, they went back to watching you sleep. You looked cute to them as you slept peacfully not knowing that they were watching you sleep. 

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