Pirate! Prussia Sexy #1, England Sexy #1 and Spain Sexy #1

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Fuck yeah, sexy pirate Hetalia! X3

Tell me, do you guys want me to do individual ones along with the ship pictures? Cause like, I have A TON of pictures of Prussia, America and Spain on my phone. Like you have no idea, I will go on fucking fem Prussia and fem America downloading sprees. I don't really go on fem Spain sprees, but she's pretty sexy too. Do you want those pictures along with the unknown amount of England, Germany, Greece (I forgot him the first time I published, thus the update fyi), Romano, Italy, Canada, France, Japan, China, Russia, (I should get more Rochu pictures omg) etcetera?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Stop asking us what you want in your own damn story/a nicer version of that.

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