Broken I think not

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It all bleeds together
Like ink mixed with water
I can't seem to find my way
I've been beaten into blindness
Shoved into ignorance
Quieted into obedience
Knowing not where I stand
Not being who I truly am

No color
Nor individuality
Another face in the crowd repressed into sublimation
No voice
no sound
No sight to see the crowd
I stand beaten and bound
But not broken

You see
I have been humiliated
But never
For to be broken you must first crack

But my surface is as clear as polished diamond
Stronger than the mightiest mineral
They look for cracks
a sliver of weakness
But they themselves are too weak to break my front
They can whip me
Burn me
Hurt me till I bleed
I will not break

For breaking me means that I have no more fight
But do you see me on my knees?
Do you see me begging for mercy?
Do you see a dullness in my eye?
Well do you?

My will is too strong
my fire too hot
You try to touch me
My eyes will scorch you

Lash after lash
Beating in a steady rhythm
My life essence seeping from my body
But I will not break

Not under the hottest day
Nor coldest night
No matter how harsh the beating
How long I go without food
With out water
Nor company of another
I refuse
Breaking is not an option

They laugh and jeer
Making bets
To see when I will fall
Like all the others
Who crumbled to pieces

They wait for my bones to break
My legs to wobble
My hunger to gravitate
For me to grovel at their feet

They want me to lose my pride
My dignity
My humanity
But I refuse

My defenses will not be broken
My spirt will not waver
My fire will burn like a sun

Because no matter how hard they try
No matter what they throw at me
I will not be broken

Their strength is physical
My strength is psychological

I have eyes to see your cruel face
I have ears to hear your voice
I have lips that lock to keep from screaming
I have more than you could ever dream of
Broken I refuse to be

Broken I think notWhere stories live. Discover now