Chapter 7- Getting to the bottom of this

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Millisa POV:

Suga oppa just told me everything. My Natasha unnie ruined their relationship? I find this hard to believe. I have to go talk to the GOT7 members. But Samantha will be there, she must hate me because of what my unnie has done to her.

'Hey, Jackson and Bambam. Can I talk to you guys? I asked shyly

'Sure' They both replied

We walked over to the side and I faced the both of them

'So, what do you want to talk about.' Bambam asked

'I want to ask you if my sister was involved in Samantha and Jimin breaking up.' I said

The two looked at each other and Jackson took a deep breath before talking.

'Ne, she was. I sent her the photo that Bambam photoshopped of Mark and Samantha because Mark likes Samantha. But you unnie asked for the picture saying that she will help them get together. I gave it to her see... I kind of have a crush on her.' Jackson said while blushing then looked at his shoes

'Jinja? Wow, I am surprised. Thanks guys. I have some talking to do with my unnie. And Jackson, I won't tell Natasha unnie that you like her.' I said then left

Samantha POV:

Mark is a great boyfriend, dating him is actually better than Jimin. His friends are really funny and are just as weird as BTS. We are all sitting on the rooftop eating lunch and joking around. Then Millisa, Natasha's younger sister came. Although Natasha is a total b****, Millisa is innocent and kind.

'Jagiya, you okay?" Mark asked. He must have noticed that I was dozing off.

'Yeah I am fine.' I quickly pecked his cheek and he smiled at me.

'Ew, hyung.' Yugyeom, the maknae said and covered his eyes.

'Yugyeom, grow up.' Bambam said and hit his head.

'But hyung, you haven't had a girlfriend yet though' Yugyeom said then ran away.

'Yah! Kim Yugyeom!" Bambam then stood up and ran after Yugyeom

Mark and I laughed at their childishness. We were about to go and stop them when Jada, Ashley, Youngee and Eden came onto the rooftop.

'Samantha! We need to talk to you!' Youngee yelled

'Okay, I am coming, you don't have to shout you know.' I screamed back

Mark grabbed my wrist and pouted

'I will be right back to big baby' I said in english and then pinched his cheeks and walked over to my friends

Eden POV:

WTF! Samantha is dating Mark and Natasha is dating Jimin! What happened? We rushed to the rooftop and found Samantha sitting with GOT7. The second most popular group in school. They are pretty good looking but Namjoon oppa is better. Eden, snap out of it. You are here for business

'Hey guys, what do you want to talk about?' Samantha came here looking all happy

'I told them you are dating Mark and Youngee and Ashley won't believe me and Eden wants to hear the whole story.' Jada said

'Well so basically Jimin broke up with me because he thought I was cheating on him thanks to a photo Bambam photoshopped of Mark and I and somehow Natasha got a hold of this and showed Jimin. Then Jimin dumped me and I hate him because he won't listen to my explanations and I saw him kissing Natasha. UGHH! Anyways but Mark and I are dating now and I am happy. Any question?' I said as fast as I could

The girls looked at me shocked. But then Youngee ran off all of a sudden.

'Where are you going?" I called out

'To go beat Jimin up! He didn't let you explain! I am going to go kill him!' She shouted but then left the rooftop and vanished from my vision

We all ran after her. And calling her name to stop.

Youngee POV:

Now where is that Jerk? Hurting my friend like that! I want to kill him! Ah! There he is! Eating ice cream with Natasha. Ugh! She is such a drama queen.

'Yah! Park Jimin' I screamed

I walked right up to him and slapped him. Hard, real hard on his cheeks

'Ow!' I screamed in pain as Natasha slapped me.

'Stop that right now Natasha!' Someone said

'Who are you to tell me to not slap a girl that just slapped my boyfriend?" She retorted back with a lot of sass in her voice

'Because Youngee is my yeoja chingu (Girlfriend)!" The person replied with no pause time

Natasha was about to slap me again, but a hand grabbed her hand. I looked and saw......... Bambam!

A/N Oh! Cliffhanger! If you know the relationship of Youngee and Bambam or their secrets, you would know why I did this. So, how is the story so far? Please let me know. Thank you for reading, commenting and voting. ~Kansaminda!

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