Chapter 8 "Ninja Shorts" - Dragons

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~ It has been a while about 4 month actually and everyone has been doing good well exept sensei again theirs just been something bugging the poor man. C/G/N has been calling and texting Cole everyday now and he has moved on from her thanks to Y/N she was their for him when he needed advise and just needed someone to make him smile. Right know everyone is with their dragons Y/n for some reason is very good with the dragon she grew on them very quickly but then Cole wanted to get Rocky clean all by him self lets see how that's going~

Jay: Cole Rocky will just keep moving you will never get him clean

Cole: Rocky is just stubborn he will never learn who is the boss if you let him have his way  * jumps back on Rocky*

Cole: Rocky is just stubborn he will never learn who is the boss if you let him have his way  * jumps back on Rocky*

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Kai: Rocky looks irritated 

Zane: I agree

Nya: Just get off him Cole and let Y/n handle it

Cole: How can Y/n know more about MY dragon than me?

Y/n: Well if you know Rocky so well, you would know that he hates being bathed with a rag he likes sponges he likes the way its more gentle and you used dish soup to wash him he hates the smell of dish soup so you should have use a regular bar of soup * Claps hands* Come here Rocky my boi

~Rocky shacks Cole off him and Walk over to Y/n rubbing his head on her body~

Y/n: Good boy

Cole: W-what is happening 

Lloyd: Oh Y/n just showed that Rocky likes her better than you

Cole: Y/n you dragon stealer *Whines*

Y/n: Cole are you whining like a little girl

Cole: N-No

Y/n: Well that's good I didn't want to change my mind

Cole: Change your mind about what?

Y/n: N-nothing  

Cole: *Raises eyebrow* Come on tell me

Y/n: Oh did you hear that the cookies are done

~ At that moment Y/n runs inside~

Cole: You get back here and tell me!!!

~ Cole runs after Y/n)

Y/n: IT WAS NOTHING KNOW LEAVE A GIRL ALONE!!! *giggles while running*


Y/n: Never!!!!

Jay: Those to are just adorable 

Nya: Yes they are 

Jay: Oh Nya that reminds me can you meet me at the park tomorrow

Kai: For what ?

Jay: Why do you want to know Kai

Kai: because the first time we met when I mention sister you instantly asked if she was hot I don't trust you  !!

Nya: Yea I will meet ya there ( Maybe he will finally ask me out)

Jay: (I'm going to totally ask her out)

Kai: ( Jay better not try anything)

Rocky: (Y/n can you bathe me now)

Nile: (Y/n can bathe me too please)

Firestink: (Y/n knows how to bathe me better than Kai I call next after Rocky)

Ciber: (Can Jay learn how to bathe me like Y/n does )

Zane: (Did I forget about something?)

Cole: (Why can't this girl just tell me she is so annoying yet she's a hot and cute annoying)

Y/n: ( Cole stop being a hard headed and leave me alone you are so annoying yet Hot....wait what am I saying)

A/n: Hey guys I know short chapter but this is short I wanted to at least give you guys an update because I haven't done so in so long but next chapter will be longer promise. Remember we are a pack we ride together we die together their aint no choice Frenny out 



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