The Orion Chronicles: Prologue

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I'd been in plenty of situations like this before. Well, almost like this. Muggers, gang bangers, typical street thug that thought they had the upper hand on me. But typical street thug would have already been bloodied and on the rain-soaked ground with a cold set of cuffs on their wrists. These men weren't typical. Instead I was the one bloodied, battered to an unrecognizable mess; but they hadn't let me hit the ground yet. Two men held my upper arms with iron grips, while another beat me with steel knuckles that rent my flesh and bone. Every time I had a plan to get us out of the alley and somewhere safe, another blow would come, shattering my hopeful idea and leave me reeling.

Some details managed to remain; the important ones that would be vital to an escape. There were four men: the two holding me up, the one slowly killing me, and a fourth, who stood well behind the others, arms crossed and leaning against the brick wall forming one side of the alley. I knew him. I'd known him for some time, but the constant barrage of ironclad fists left me senseless with no ability to recall memories. Something had been knocked loose, and all I could remember were the seconds in between blows.

I held my head low, letting the blood pour from my face. I watched as a blurry stream of crimson washed away between my legs. Four thick fingers ran through my hair and gripped hold to it tight, forcing my head and attention back to him. He stared at me for a moment, just before he sank the metal knuckles back into my cheek.

Through my hazy vision I could see the man against the wall raise his hand, halting the brutes fist before it could connect with my temple again. As he began to step in my direction, I tried to piece together a final attempt at escape. It didn't happen.

Even if I could ignore the split in my head, four shattered ribs and a broken leg, I couldn't overcome all four men. They were trained, tough, and blood loss had weakened me to the point where breathing became strenuous.

As the man with the knuckles stepped away, the fourth took his place. Now I could see that he was wearing a dark suit soaked by the rain, and leaned on a black metal cane with a golden handle. I couldn't make out his expression through the blur and rain, but I could tell from his demeanor, his dress, the way he leaned on his cane and puffed out his chest; This man commanded respect. 

He crouched down in front of me to speak. I hadn't realized the sharp ringing in my ears until I had to struggle to make out his words.

"What warn you about when you started this down this road? My road." He asked with a sadistic grin, but also a hint of regret in his voice. I shook my head, unable to speak, unable to remember.

"Huh," He chuckled. "Bruce, I think you hit him a little too hard. He doesn't seem to be all there." He patted the raw side of my face with a wide smile. "Doesn't matter. We'll make sure you pay your dues. Just like she did."

Suddenly blue light flooded the alleyway, and a sharp siren drowned out the collapsing rain.

"Sure about that?" I muttered with a weak smile. A mad panic spread through the men, as the two on either side dropped me to asphalt. I could hear them shouting at one another, before an order was barked that set them in line. The man grabbed the collar of my coat and flung me onto my back. I felt the bones in my leg and ribs grind against each other, shooting pain like a hot brand against my flesh. The fourth twisted the handle of his cane, and withdrew a blade half the length of his staff. He tightly wrapped his fingers around my neck, and with one arm lifted me into the air.

"It may not be as slow as I'd like, but don't think I won't enjoy killing you just as much John." He reared back with his right arm and drove the dagger through my chest. The rain became ice cold all at once, and breathing was impossible. He dropped my body to the ground, letting it slide off the saber. I landed on the asphalt as the downpour streamed around me. Numbness crept from my chest to my limbs as I coughed blood into the small stream beside my face. Within a few moments I could no longer feel my own body. The ringing in my ears grew louder, then popped into a blank deafness.

The Orion Chronicles: PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now