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Over the few months, Itachi's shown extra- ordinary skills, and bonded with Mio, that reminded him of a two- year- old energetic child.

"Itachi- Kun!" Mio called, waving at her best- friend.

"Good Morning, Mio." He greeted, smiling politely at her.

"So, today you're leaving our class?" She asked, smiling sadly.

"Yes," he replied, somewhat proud of himself. Her green eyes showed certain sadness, "But, uh, you know... We can hang out as usual."

A smile spread over Mio's face, "let's eat Barbecue today!"

"Yeah, okay," he smiled.


Mio leaned against a tree, waiting for Itachi. She waved goodbye to few class- mates, until he arrived.

"Sorry, did I keep you waiting for long-" Itachi apologized.

"No, I only arrived few seconds ago, it's okay, Itachi- Kun,"  While Itachi did know she was lying, he decided to let it be.

"Let's go," he said, and she took his hand in hers. Itachi was surprised at the gesture, but let it be.

The two walked silently to the restaurant, and when arriving, they sat at the back; in their usual spot.

"So..." Mio started, sitting down in the opposite side to Itachi, "your seventh birthday is in few days..."

"Yeah..." Itachi trailed off, "the usual?" He asked, as the waiter walked closer. Mio nodded, as he ordered.

"So, are you celebrating?" Mio asked as the waiter walked off.

"With my family only." He replied, "actually, I was thinking about, uh, inviting you. My parents said I can bring over some friends." Mio blinked at him, "would you like to come?"

"Of course," she replied, as though the answer was the most obvious thing. "Who else is coming?"


"From class, who else is coming?"

Itachi stared at her for a moment, "no one."


They settled into silence again, and for the whole meal they did not say another word.

They payed equally for the meal (after discussing it in the last few times), and bid farewell.


Few days have passed, and Itachi has decided to visit Mio's house while his family got things ready for the party in merely three hours.

He knocked on the door, and a blonde woman with a pink haired baby in her arms opened the door,  "oh, hello!" She called, "who are you?"

"I- uh, I am Itachi Uchiha. Mio's friend?"

"Oh! Mio's friend! No one ever comes to visit her."

"Really?" Itachi raised an eyebrow, she was always friendly.

"Well, anyway; I will call her down." The woman turned around, "MIO!"

"WHAT?" She called back, annoyed that her mother interrupted in her reading.



"Uh... Your name is Itachi, right?" She asked, turning to him. He nodded, "ITACHI!"

Mio sat up, and threw the book at her bed. "Itachi...?"

She walked down the stairs, and smiled as she saw the black- haired boy, "Itachi- kun! What are you doing here?"

"Um, my parents are getting the house ready, so I figured I could come here for a while."

"Oh, of course," she smiled. "Mind if I go change my clothes so we can go whenever?"

"Of course not," he replied calmly, and she ran up the stairs again.

"Come in!" Mio's mom smiled, "this is Mio's little sister; Sakura."

"How old is she?" Itachi asked, smiling softly at the baby.

"About two years old."

"My little brother is in the same age," Itachi said, "his name is Sasuke."

"How do you know Mio?"

"She was in my class; at the academy."


"I was moved to a higher class lately."

"So you are smart!" She exclaimed, just as Mio jumped off the few last stairs.

"I'm ready!" She smiled, and Itachi glanced at her clothes.

She now wore a white t-shirt and a black- white stripped vest, as well as black jeans.

Itachi smiled, seeing as his outfit for later would consist of very similar clothes, excpet for him choosing a plaid vest.

"Let's go?" He offered, and Mio nodded, walking after him.


"Where is your house?" Mio asked after a while of just walking around the village.

"Uh, I guess we should go..." Itachi suddenly asked. He offered a hand to Mio, who smiled, gladly taking it.

A Ridiculous Love Story (Naruto\ Itachi Uchiha Fanfiction)NarutoWattyAwards2014Where stories live. Discover now