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Note: If any of these get you in trouble I am NOT responsible.

1) Strike a pose in the doorway and say "The fun has arrived. Thank you very much." Like on Tarzan. Video above 0:10.

2) Run down the hallways then stop and lecture yourself saying "This is not a race track, it's a hallway."

3) Run around yelling "The British are coming, the British are coming." Very loudly.

4) Bust out laughing in the middle of class and say "Ohh, now I get it,"

5) Sit by an empty desk and start talking to it. When someone ask what you're doing say "Talking to Bob,"

6) When you're in class randomly say "Meet my new boyfriend, Bob." Then kiss the air where 'Bob' is standing.

7) When the teacher walks into the classroom say "It's a Godzilla, play dead." Then play dead.

8) Line your pencils up across your desk and start naming then out loud. When someone ask what you're doing go "Shhhhhh," and continue naming them.

9) Go up to someone that has a boy/girlfriend, put your arm around them and say "Hey bae."

*Cough, *Cough, "Colby" *Cough

10) Write a love note. Sign off with "Your Secret Admirer," and have a random person pass it to your teacher.

🤓Thanks for reading my book.🤓
😍😘Love you😘😍
✌🏻😎"Peace out, Home Slices."😎✌🏻

Weird, But Funny Things To Do At SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now