Chapter 1

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One stormy night on the 31st of october a beautiful little baby girl was born to May and Tanner Alborn. That's right people I was born on all-hallows-eve  scary creepy right?  Wrong! Now i will say because i was born on that all haunted day strange things happen to me like see red eyes when it's pitch black. Now my mom and dad have been making me go to therapy, and I hate it. I  hate her, my therapist, she annoying always tell me i'm crazy and there is no such thing as ghost, when my late grandma is in the damn room with us.

I'm in one of thought stupid sessions now, but it's not Mrs. Hippus, more like Mrs. Hippo, it’s a guy he looks young. At first I thought he was a ghost or demon but then he also had this human yet in-human feel to him.  “ Miss  Dulira  Alborn im Mason Velury and I will be  with you for to day,”  the strange man says and for a split second i could have sworn his eyes went red, but as soon as it was there it was gone. I look curiously at him. He is tall with chestnut hair and golden brown eyes. I didn't realize i had zoned out until  he said my name again. “it’s lira,”  I say a little mad he would call me by my full name. I had not been called that scene my grandma die.  “What” the man says a little off put by me comment. “ my name, call me lira,” I say reclaiming myself. “ ok lira let us get started,” mason or what ever his name is says. “ why are you even here and what happen to the old hag?” I say knowing all too well my word are soaked with vinom. “To  help you now tell me all the things you told Mrs.Hippus,”he says. He completely ignored my question on the old lady, but regardless I told him the same thing I told the hippo I see ghost demons and other things, but instead of yelling and saying I'm crazy he just lessons. When I’m done he goes to talk to my parents.

I'm back at home now my mom told me that the strange man will be my therapist from now on. It’s night now and I'm talking to grandma. “ Dulira Sandra Alborn you know you should not have gave that man a hard time.” she nagged me as per the norm when ever she fill I did something wrong. “He deserved it he was a strange man who just showed up out of nowhere,” I argue back. “But Dulira he was listening to you unlike that old woman. He was and is try to help you dear just let him. Maybe he can help you with the red eyes and strange people in your room at night,” she is really try to get me on his side. “Fine i will give him a try i have another session on Monday. I will listen to whatever this quake has to say.”I say but know I'm still not going to let him in all the way just yet. “Good now go to bed Dulira you have school  tomorrow,”as she sugesed I lay me head on the pillow almost as soon as I do so I full into a light slumber.

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