Haytham x Pregnant! Reader

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  You and Haytham have been married for three years so of course you knew he was a Templar, in fact you were a Templar as well. So when he told you he was going to the colonies for a week or two, you were indifferent.

But after a few days while he was gone, you started to feel sick every morning without explanation. So after the 3rd day of throwing up that morning, you decided to go to the doctor. When he finished with the examination, he told you were pregnant.

At first you were excited but then doubt started creeping in. What would Haytham think? Would he be angry? Would he leave you?

When you told the Templar grandmaster, he gave you how many days off it would take before the baby was born. Even though the occasional Templar came to check up on you, you were still usually left alone.

For the rest of the time while Haytham was away you were still questioning how you would tell Haytham, or even if you should tell him at all.

The closer Haytham's time in the colonies was up, the more you were worried. Until one day you received a letter, and it was from Haytham! You quickly tore open the envelope and read the letter inside.

Dear (y/n),

I'm excited to inform you that by the time this letter reaches you, my time in colonies has ended. By tomorrow I will arrive back in England and back to you. I hope you didn't miss me too much, but knowing in your position, you were probably too buried in work to notice me gone. Anyway I'll be arriving at Crawford Dock at about 11:00 p.m. tomorrow, considering there is no trouble with the weather. I hope you will come to welcome me home at the dock, but that is entirely your choice. I must end this letter so I can continue getting ready for departure.

Your love,

'Oh god' you thought 'he's already coming home?!'. Don't get me wrong, you were happy that he was coming back, but that also meant you'd have to tell him about your soon-to-be child.

After some thinking, you decided to go to sleep early, so you would be able to meet him at the docks.
As soon as you fell asleep you were met with horrible images of Haytham leaving as soon as you told him about your situation. This happened all through the night and ended up waking up and feeling terrible.

You decided to get dressed and practice what you were going to say to him. You paced back and forth coming up with things to say, "Haytham we have a problem? No, no, no that will make him think that I don't want to have his child." "Haytham I have your child? No, too kidnapper like."

You decided to just give up and read till 11. You ended up falling asleep while reading and missed your mark to leave. You were awoken by Haytham opening the front door and calling your name.

Once you called back you heard him sigh in relief and start walking towards the study where you were sitting. He smiled as soon as he saw you brought you into a hug. "I missed you so much," he said kissing your forehead. You tried to hide your fear but didn't do it as well as you hoped as he asked what was wrong.

You exhaled, "Haytham i think you should sit down."

He looked at you with confusion but did as you asked and sat on the couch. You sat next to him in silence, you took a deep breath and looked at him in his silver eyes. "I'm pregnant," you said suddenly 'way-to-fucking-go (y/n)' you thought.

"W-what?" He said. "I'm pregnant with your child," you said once again, looking away from him. There was silence and you started thinking that maybe your doubts were true. "(Y/n) look at me," he suddenly.

You slowly turned to look at him, but as soon as you fully turned to him, his lips crashed in to yours. Your eyes fluttered close and melted into the kiss. You threw your arms around his neck while he rested his hands on your hips. This went on until you started to run out of air. You broke the kiss and rested your head into the crook of his neck.

"What was that for?" You questioned. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment," he answered. You looked up at him, confused. "I've always wanted to be a father, since I never had one. I want to be the father that I never had."

You pecked him on the lips, "So you're okay with this?" He smiled at you, "Of course."

You sighed in relief, maybe this would work out after all.
Damn boi why do I keep disappearing?
Anyway I'm trying not to die and disappear but I'm always tired for some reason (prob cause I stay up at the unholy hour of 3 a.m.) anyway that's all I had to say bai

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