Chapter 1

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"Hnnnggh. Phew. Thanks for coming over and helping me carry the rest of boxes into the shop,Landon," Jordyn said wiping the sweat off her forehead. "Anytime, Jordyn. After all you did help me study for the math test," Landon said placing his hands on his hips. "Oh yeah no problem. Would you like to stay a while to have coffee or sweets?" Jordyn said with a tint of blush on her cheeks. You see Landon wasn't just a best friend to her. She had felt tingling feelings for the boy. Landon took out his phone to check the time."Maybe another time sorry. It's getting pretty late and we've got school tomorrow. Maybe Friday?" Jordyn's blush faded as a smile was put onto her face. "Yeah sure sounds like a plan cya tomorrow, Landon." He waved a goodbye as he exited from the door of the shop and didn't look back. Landon doesn't really feel the same way as Jordyn does. But he doesn't know how he feels about her yet.

  Manuel flipped the pages from his textbook studying for an upcoming math test. His phone than lit up receiving a text message from his younger brother Ramon.

hey buddy ole pal... hehe mind picking me up from a friends house?
  Manuel grunted and replied to his younger brother,
can't you ask mom and dad...I'm kinda in the middle of studying. I can't be distracted by your stupidity.

  Manuel set his phone down receiving another text from his brother and grunted. He open the message,
  But mom and dad kinda don't know I snuck out to kick it with some friends....hehe.

  Manuel grunted again sending a message back,
  I moved out for a reason stupid....I couldn't handle you're bs...send me the address and I swear if you're not ready Ima leave you and won't do you any more favors.
  Manuel slipped the phone in his back pocket and grabbed his keys.

Jordyn's third-pov:
     Jordyn kept tossing and turning about on her bed. "Ugh....I can't stop thinking about him...." She opened up her Snapchat and saw his story. She blushes seeing his face on the video. After she started stalking him on Instagram. Scrolling down passing a couple of pictures when the worst thing happened. "OH NO!!!," Jordyn shrieked. She had accidentally liked a picture from 1 year ago. He's definitely going to know that I'm just stalking his Insta. She thought to herself. Maybe if I go back and like all of his new pictures he'll never know. Jordyn began liking all of his recent pictures until she made it to the latest picture. It was a picture of him off guard posted about two days ago. How does he look so good when they catch him off guard. Whenever I'm off guard I usually have a double chin. She touched her chin and looked at her stomach. "Hmm maybe I've been gaining a few pounds...Nah," she said grabbing a random chip bag from her closet.

Landon's third-pov:
Bzz. Bzz.
     "Hmm?" Landon opened his eyes and glanced at his phone which was buzzing like crazy. I don't remember setting an alarm clock at this time. He grabbed his phone and saw notifications saying "Jay_the_Potato liked your picture" "It's nearly 6 o'clock. Why is she up so early," Landon said turning off his notifications and drifted off to sleep. A couple of hours later he was awoken by his younger brother. "Wake up! Breakfast is ready," the little "Angel" said whacking Landon with a pillow. "Alright I'm up," Landon said grabbing the pillow from the younger child. "We're having pancakes with some eggs and bacon," the boy said leaving and shutting the door behind him. Landon groaned and laid back down on his bed. He grabbed his phone to check his notifications. He saw the long list of likes from Jordyn. "Landon! Come down for breakfast," Landon's mom yelled. "Alright," Landon yelled back and stared at the phone for 1 minute and went down for breakfast.


   Manuel drove up to the big house that Ramon had sent the address too.This is it...where the fudge is he...hmmmm..this is last favor that'll ever do for him. Manuel let out a long sigh as he texted his little brother,
Im outside.
   He than saw his brother pop out of the front door of the house and exchanging a good-bye with a girl. Manuel glanced very closely and He was pretty sure that they both had just kissed. He kinda had a small smirk but than realized that they were still kissing and taking forever. He honked the car multiple times. "Hurry up lame-butt!," Manuel yelled out making his little brother rush faster into the car. The girl was standing in front of the door holding her cheeks and the went inside the house. "Why'd you take forever dude. We had a deal, remember?" Manuel said turning up the music a little. "Sorry Manny, it won't happen again," Ramon said. "Of course this won't happen again. This is the only time I'm ever picking you up. Next time you bring a bike or take the bus." Ramon then sat quiet as he saw their house appear up. "Here," Manuel said handing Ramon twenty dollars. Ramon glanced and pushed it away ," I can't for any reason I'd probably spend it on something else. I'll take my bike or leave when my other friends leave. Bye Manny." Ramon got out of the car and started walking towards the house. "Bye," Manuel said as loud enough for Ramon to hear and drove away. He drove down the street driving to his apartments when he saw something lying down on the floor. He didn't really bother until he started driving up closer and then it started wiggling around. He then stepped onto the breaks nearly running the thing over. Manuel stepped out of his car as the headlights were shining onto it. He turned his flash on from his phone to see what it was. It was a cat who was on the verge of giving birth. "Dammit," he whispered to himself. His apartments didn't allow pets but he knew that he couldn't leave her behind at this state. "Ugggh I'm sorry Im sorry I'm sorry," he repeated as he lifted the cat with an old towel he had found in his car. He opened the door to the passenger seat and laid her there. He then shut the door and quickly ran to his seat and quickly drove to his apartment. When they arrived he grabbed the cat and quickly sped walk to his apartment. He dropped everything and shut the door behind him taking the cat to his bathtub. "There, that should be good...I'll drive to the pet store to get you something more comfortable to sleep in for the night,"he said leaving the cat be and leaving out of the apartment with his keys.

(Time skip Jordyn's Pov)

    "Jordyn wake up! You forgot that I had to go pick up your brother from the airport!" my mom said yelling from down the hall. Why do I always forget to shut my door after coming home from school, I thought to myself getting up from my bed. I went to my bathroom and began brushing my teeth, slowly. I wasn't really too fond of waking up this early so I was really upset. My brother is a model and he has some major photoshoots or whatever. I don't really know because i'm not a model. I'm an artist so I just sit at home and sketch and be all beautiful. My brother is out and about going to many different places. He always asks me to join him because he gets bored but I gladly say no. Cause I surprisingly care about my education. I normally have to go to school when he's out and stuff. We're picking him up from the airport since he came back from Paris and i'm hoping he at least got me a souvenir. "Jordyn hurry up!" shit I forgot!!! "I'll be down in a minute!" I yelled back just grabbing my hair brush some clothes and my stuff for school. I ran down the hall to the living room where my mom was waiting." Well you could've at least put your proper clothes on. Never mind lets go already," my mom said opening the door leaving as I followed behind.

Hey my muffins! I've collaborated with one of good friend NOTaHaterNotaLover . Go check them out and give them some sugar. They helped me edit this chapter and they're going to help me write the rest. So be prepared for many more chapter from the both of us :) 

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