Science Classes are for Dumbasses (second half)

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A bell rang and Morty walked into his last class of his school day, the clock reading sometime past two. He shuffled in and sat at his lab table, noticing his lab partner was absent. He looked up to the front for his Physics teacher, but she was nowhere to be seen.

As if on cue, the classroom door opened up, but instead of seeing his teacher he cried out in horror at seeing his grandfather walk in.

Rick scanned the room, his eyes landing on his grandson. He rushed to him, "M-Morty, we need to, we need to go, I need y-your help", he slurred out, obviously a little drunk, as usual.

Morty's eyes widened and he shook his head, "N-n-n-o, R-rick. I have to be here today, I-I promised Ms. (Y/N)!"

Rick rolled his eyes and groaned, "Morty no one cares about your dumb class. Just, just come with me, on an-an-an, an adventure!"

"I'm staying here, I'll go on an adventure later".

Rick sighed, taking the empty seat next to his grandson. Morty looked aghast. Rick rolled his eyes once again, "W-w-what's the matter Morty? You want to stay in this hell hole so bad, I wanna sEauegh- wanna see what's so speacial" Morty but was interrupted by someone entering the classroom door opening.

In walked (Y/N), drinking a large thermos of coffee and looking boredly forward as she walked to her desk.

Rick had to do a double take as he looked at the woman who looked very different than the night before. She was wearing a comfortable looking (pick red or blue) plaid flannel with lace on the back. Underneath the button up was a t-shirt that had a stick figure man sleeping in a chair and said 'Newton's first law; a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Now fuck off'. She had on a dark pair of jeans and (f/c) converses.

Rick laughed in disbelief. (Y/N) looked nothing like a teacher.

She walked to her desk, setting her coffee down and turning to the board she picked up a marker and wrote in big sloppy handwriting "Multiverse 'theory'". She turned to the class, beginning her lesson. "Alright, last week we talked about Quantum Theory and one of the most important scientists to work with it; Erwin Schrödinger. Now who can tell me the most popular theory Schrödinger had?"

Morty raised his hand slowly, baffling Rick. (Y/N) looked over to them, momentarily surprised to see Rick, before shrugging it off and calling on Morty.

"W-well, isn't it, isn't it Schrödinger's Cat, that thing about how the cat in the box is both dead and alive according to quantum mechanics until someone sees if it is?"

"Very good, Morty. Now in 1952 during one of his many lectures, Schrödinger brought up the idea of multiverses, the idea that there are infinite possibilities, and they are all happening simultaneously in different universes".

One of the boys in the class guffawed and blurted out "Isn't the multiverse theory imaginary?"

(Y/N) smirked, "Well some people believe your sex life is imaginary, Trevor, but you don't see me throwing that out there."

Trevor made a sour face and sputtered stupidly, mumbling lame comebacks.

She continued, "Trevor is correct, some scientists believe the multiverse theory is nothing more than fiction. That's why we will be discussing some of the proofs behind the multiverse theory."

(Y/N) sat down at her desk, leaning foward in a position like she was having an ever day conversation.

"We don't know what the shape of space-time is exactly because no one has seen it. Some believe that it is a flat plane that goes on forever. This would present the possibility of many universes being out there, all on the same infinite plane of existence, separated by the fish bowl shape of our universe. On this plane our universes would most likely repeat themselves. That's because particles can only be put together in so many ways. The number of possible particle configurations in multiple universes would is limited to 10^10^122 distinct possibilities. So, with an infinite number of cosmic patches, the particle arrangements within them must repeat infinitely many times over. This means there are infinitely many cosmic patches, exactly the same as ours, as well as patches that differ by just one particle's position, patches that differ by two particles' positions, and so on down to patches that are totally different from ours, and we end up in a universe where everyone is a dog."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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