Chapter 8 ~ when in sorrow

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we rushed alissa to the hospital. she is loosing too much blood. she has low heart rate. she has shattered pieces of glass stuck to her head. she has deep cuts all over. you almost could not recognize her. i hope she gets through all of this.

the car which hit her has no plate number nor records of it. there were no fingerprints found. we all thought it is strange. like it was really planned. but we can't conclude anything until further investigation is done.

i walked to jake who is crying, practically bawling his eyes out while saying 'this is all my fault, im sorry alissa.' over and over again. logan just sat beside him comforting him telling him it is not his fault. but is the fault of the driver.

'hey jake, im sure alissa will get through this. she is a strong woman.' i said. 'you really think so?' jake asked. 'of course bro.' logan said. i just nodded in agreement.

the doctor walked out of the surgery room, we all rushed to ask if alissa is ok.

Doctor: may i know who is ms. violet's relatives here?

Me: we are her friends.

Doctor: may i know what happened.

Juanpa: we were having this party until she had a fight with somebody, ended up running on the empty street until a car hit her.

Doctor: ok, she is in a critical condition. the surgery was successsful. we removed the shredded glass on her head, we fixed the bone stuck to her lungs. although she is now in coma. we dont exactly know if she will be able to fight on. she attained a great damage to her brain causing problems to her heart and organ failure.


Logan: i thought this night will be fun,  its turns out to be the opposite. (Logan said while tearing up)

jake screamed and we all cried. juanpa and logan stopped jake from shouting and calmed him down. 'IF SHE DIES I WONT BE ABLE TO FORGIVE MYSELF!' jake screamed. his brother cant help but cry knowing his brother is in deep pain.

and if you are wondering if the whole squad know what happened. juanpa explained on the way to the hospital, while i was in the ambulance with alissa.

me, hannah and inanna are sitting on the bench outside the hospital to get some fresh air. 'i feel so bad for alissa and jake, i dont want their love story to end on a tragedy.' hannah said. 'me too.' i agreed. 'me three.' hannah also agreed.

-30 days later-

it has been 30 days since alissa got into the accident. she is still in the hospital, still in coma. her mom and her sister came from ohio, and when they saw jake, jake received a lot of hits. her mother blames him for all of this. she forbade jake from visiting her, but he wont listen. he goes and visits alissa when her mom and sister are not there. and we totally understand jake. although he realized his feelings for her too late, we are not mad at him.

and it has been 30 days since i have been receiving these text messages from an unknown number. the text repeatedly says 'im coming for you.' juanpa does not know about this. even hannah nor inanna. only me. at first i thought it was just wrong sent, but it repeated a lot of times. so i decided to have the number tracked down by my expert friend. i did not tell him the reason. he wasnt able to track down the number. it keeps getting turned off. until i received a text message this morning saying 'im coming for you bitch. im about to take what is mine.'


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