
300 4 2

I wake up to Misty pounding on my door. "get up! get up! You start training today!" I groan. l get up and pull on my training uniform. It's black with reddish orange spots on like the armpit and a bit above the wrist and above the ankle. The reddish orange spots have holes in then and under them is black again. On the shoulder there is a black square sowed on with a number 5 on it. I put on a regular pair of shoes only, they're black. Delmar is at the table he has the same outfit but the patches of red orange are black on his. Ella and Geo (Delmar's mentor) said today we will start training. They said to start by learning something we don't know. I think. I know plant stuff, how to throw knives, how to make fires and a lot more. I can also steal, spy and climb trees. I think I should try using weapons.

"I think I should learn about edible plants" Delmar says.

"I should learn how to use weapons" I say

"I know almost everything else"

"okay" Ella says. now let's go." We are the second to last to arrive. The last district was 12. Some person I didn't hear her name told us we could get started. I went to the spear station. I threw some spears and looked to my right. Rue the 12 year old girl from 11 stole a knife from Cato the boy from 2. I left the spear station and went to the sword station. Katniss and Peeta were throwing spears. Rue was hiding in a tree. I found I wasn't good with swords. I kept trying though. I still could not get it. I was at the sword station the whole day. At night I pulled on a blue nightgown. I couldn't sleep. I rolled around a lot. But, I went to sleep eventually.


The next morning I put on my training outfit and went to training. I decided to try my luck with archery. I was really good I could hit the target everytime. I kept shooting the whole day. I liked it. At the end of the day I took off my training outfit and took a hot shower. I pulled on a green shirt and red shorts. I didn't have trouble sleeping this night.


I was running though district 5. There was mutts following me. I heard a scream and saw Delmar being eaten by the mutts. They were 3 times his height and they looked like wolves. I kept running. Then I started falling. I landed on a pointy bush. The mutts started coming in the hole. "Die. Die. Die." They were saying. "Die. Die. Die." I screamed and woke up.


At breakfast Ella told me to try to make some allies. At training I went over to the knives station. Nobody came my way so I didn't make any allies. At lunch time Delmar asked me if I'd made any allies. "no" I said "have you?"

"not yet" he said "but I want Elka and Omar"

"the girl from 3 & the boy from 9"

"yeah you want anyone"

"not really"

"you sure"


Then lunch was over. I went to throw more knives.


"hi Cato" Delmar said.

"hi Delmar and what is it Foxface?" Cato said.

"sure but my real name is Finch" I said.

"Delmar I need to talk to you" Cato said.

Cato walked over to a tree. Delmar followed. Cato opened his mouth and then he ate Delmar. I ran. Cato turned into a mutt. A wolf with wings. He caught up to me. I I could feel drool on my neck. Then I woke up.


It was a sunny day. No mutts or Cato. I pulled on my training outfit an went to breakfast. I ate some bacon and eggs plus a pancake and went to training. Cato and Clove were already there. "hi" I said

"well hello" Cato said.

"look who's here" Clove said.

"a district 5 tribute"

"who will die in the first day"

"I'm smarter than that"

"who cares" Cato said.

I walked off. I went to practice spear throwing I got bored and practiced sword fighting. Cato laughed. "you can't fight"

"I can!"

"no you can't"

I ran to the archery station. I picked up a bow and fired at Cato's arm. It hit him.

"ow!" he said.

"see I can fight!"

Cato picked up a knife a threw it at me. He missed. I shot an arrow at his other arm. It hit it's target.

"stop!" the training lady shouted. We did.

"you" she pointed to Cato "stay over there" she pointed to the spear station. "and you" she pointed at me "stay over there" The archery station. I stayed there for the day.


the rest of training I practiced my sword fighting.


I wake and put my training uniform on. Today we show the gamemakers what we can do.


"Finch Fox"

I went inside. I think I should throw spears. so I do. I also shot 3 arrows. Then I walked out and went to district 5's floor.

some scores were


glimmer -9

Cato -10

clove -10

Thresh -9

Rue -7

Peeta -8

Katniss -11

"how'd she get a 11?" I asked.

"I don't know" Ella said.

"I'm going to bed now" I said and walked off. In my room I took off my training outfit and put on a red shirt and orange pants. I crawled into bed. Tomorrow is the interviews. I don't know what to do.

that was a lot of stuff. it was longer than most chapters because it was a lot more time I will do this with the arena chapter too.

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