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>> 3 years later <<

It's been 3 years since the voicemail Sierra sent to Casper. Then she just...disappeared. Casper's only comfort zone was the Mocha House. Even though It make him remember of her, he also made memories here. Especially meeting the girl he fell with on the phone.

He thought that it was his fault for her going. He thought if he hadn't gotten jealous, and didn't answer her call, he wouldn't have driven her away from him. Casper became depressed outside Mocha House. But the moment he steps in, He would force a smile, but would light up as if he was talking to her.

He didn't really know much about her, but He knows all the basic stuff about her, like she can't stand being without her Mocha Coffee just for a day. He remembers her low girlish voice, that sounds so good and velvety on the phone.

He knows he daydream alot about her, but He knew he needed to snap out of it. It's been 3 years. She won't come back. But the other half encourages him to be patient. So he followed that side. He fished out his wallet, to see a crisp photo of her. He racked his brain on how he gor it, then smiled.

>> A year before <<

It was a rainy afternoon in the Mocha House, and Casper was wiping the counter with a dirty white cloth. Casper was alone in the Shop, mostly because there isn't alot of staff in the small café, but he grew used to it.

Casper was whistling a tune from a song he just recently heard. The chimes of the chimes of the shop. The Mailman greeted him, and he did back.

"Mail for Casper...?" He trails off, holding a brown package tied with a black string with stamps.

Casper smiled and the Mailman handed him the package. He walked out, not before smiling at him.

Casper was confused as to who would give him a package when his family stays here in the U.S.

He untied the string, the ripped off the brown paper and opening the white box under the crisp brown wrap.

There was a Teddy Bear and An Envelope. He opened the enveloped and instantly noticed a picture of a mysterious girl on the top left corner of the paper.

He took a deep breath, before reading the letter.

'Hey Casp!'

His breath got stuck in his throat. She's the only one who get to call him that.

'so I haven't talked to you, I'm sorry, but here's a picture of me if you want to see what I look like. How is the Mocha House? Do you still work there? well, I got to go. Bye Casp. Make More Mocha Coffee for people eh?
xx Sierra Cunnings💕'

He closed his eyes, trying to calm his breathing. She finally sent him a letter. He was mad, But atleast she wrote him one. He stared at the picture. He first noticed her grey-blueish eyes, and her long brown dark hair.

Her long hair framed her face, her eyelashes thick and long. Her lips plump and pink. Just how he liked it.

He took a look at the bear, and smiled softly. The bear was a medium sized fluffy bear. It was Mocha with a huge Red Ribbon tied
around it's neck.

>> Now <<

Casper smiled at the memory, placing the picture beside him, and continued to wipe the counter. The Chimes of the door sang softly. Casper snapped out from his dreamy state, and smiled, genuinely this time. "Hey." The female customer greeted. She gazed down, looking at the picture Sierra sent him. His face held shock and confusion. He looks like he was dreaming. 'snap out of it Casper. You're just hallucinating.' he kept chanting over and over again.

Her stormy grey eyes that held tons of emotion, her smooth and silky looking hair tied up to a bun. A Maroon Dress held her petit frame quite nicely, her curves showing in all the right places.

He seemed to have been staring at her for long, so she smiled softly and chuckled. "Hey Casp."

His neck snapped towards her face, looking down at her slighly. Just Right.

"Oh hey Sierra. Mocha Coffee?" He replied instantly, as if it was a reflex. He had grown so much into saying that, he had forgotten the girl is actually in front of him.

Her laugh echoed around the shop, her giggles filling the air. "Wait- SIERRA?!" He shrieked, finally registering the female that he had been dying to meet 3 years ago. She grinned. "The one and only." He smiled so big, and ran towards her, only to get hit by the counter edge.

"Ow. what the fu-" "fudgenickels" He raised his eyebrows at her. She's usually the one to cuss. As if she knew what he was thinking, she shrugged and smiled carelessly, as if she's saying i ain't doing that no more. Casper held his hip, and more laughter came out from her mouth.

Instead, she ran to him, and almost tackled him to the ground. almost. He stood firmly at the ground, while she squeezes him while her feet circled on his waist, and her arms hugging his neck. His arms were around her mid-back, also squeezing her tightly.

He closed his eyes shut, and breathed in her scent. He sighed in content, and took a peek of her face behind his lashes. Her grey eyes were shut tightly, her now Blonde hair, with grey tips were up in a messy, but cute bun. Her pink lips looking as plump and sweet as ever.

On the other side, Sierra was hugging the life out of him. The only guy she ever liked, and the guy who seemed to be the only thing she needs right now. She opened her eyes gently, staring slightly at Casper, but to see him staring back. He gently placed her back to the ground, her arms sliding to his waist. His arms still placed firmly on her mid-back. His chest vibrated, letting out chuckles.

She looked up at him, to see him staring back. He suddenly grinned.

"So. Up for some Mocha Coffee?" She grinned back. 


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