Not "Imagine Charlie" 0.6

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The rest of my week passed by in a blur, finding out you might be pregnant can do that to a girl. Lots of mommies to be, lots of ultra sounds, and lots of their morning sickness all over my sneakers. Yuck! Seriously, I'm going to need a raise if I keep buying sneakers at this rate.

Saturday morning I sent in my blood to the lab for the pregnancy test, but I haven't dropped by to pick up the results. Yet, they managed to somehow get into my mailbox. In all honesty, I don't want to see them. It's killing me to know that the answer is just sitting in the mailbox of my office. A small part of me wants to rip open the envelope and glance over the results, just to ease my anxiety. The other part of me, wants to read the results with Charlie. I place it in a drawer in my desk to avoid "accidentally" seeing the results before Charlie gets home.

It is now Thursday night, the night before Charlie gets home and I can't seem to sit still, as usual. If I was impatient and jittery before his video chats, I must look like an absolute  psychopath pacing back and forth in the house looking for something to do until he gets home.

I make it my business to get out of the house. There is barely any food in the house because I spend most of my time in the hospital. I sit on top of the kitchen island with pen and paper.  I write down Charlie's favorite foods, and the essentials we need for the house. I drive over to the supermarket, grabbing all the items on my list in record time.  On my way to the register, I pass the freezer aisle and notice the pints of strawberry ice cream. Maybe I should grab one... after all, it is Charlie's favorite. I grab a pint, pay for everything and head back to the house.

After restocking the fridge and pantries, I call the hospital and take Friday off. Of course my supervisor decides that today, of all days, he's going to ask why I won't be coming in tomorrow. What excuse should I give him? Oh, my boyfriend is coming home after being away for almost a month and I plan to have as much sex on every available surface as I possibly can? That's a little inappropriate. I decide on, "I'm just coming down with a small cold, I'll be back Monday morning, good as new."

I talk to Charlie on the phone, but tonight he has to get off the phone early because he's shooting a night scene. I don't mind honestly, because I'm beyond exhausted and he will be here in less than 24 hours. I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

I dream of Charlie coming home. The way he kicks off his sneakers once he walks through the door, placing his keys on the table beside the door. The way he shrugs his jacket off and places it over his duffle bag by his sneakers. The little jog he does as he makes his way up the stairs and strides into the bedroom. The soft grunts he makes when tugging his shirt over his head and dropping his jeans on the floor by the dresser. Even the dip the bed does when he lays down along side me. I wake up slightly... I feel like I'm going through withdrawal. I can literally smell Charlie. I can feel his body heat and his arms wrapped around my rib cage, holding me to his chest. I can feel his chest rising and falling against my cheek with each breath he takes. I'm not dreaming... Holy fuck!

I awake fully and take sight of Charlie. He's here early! When the hell did he get here? How long has he been sleeping with me? He's snoring lightly, and I can't help but let out a small giggle as I softly run my fingers through his beard. I don't want to wake him. He stirs a little, tangling his legs with mine and pressing his jaw harder against my palm. I lean forward and press a small kiss against his pouty lips. He stirs again and I move my head back slightly . I can see his eyes slowly flutter open. There isn't much light in the room, just a small amount of moonlight coming through the slightly open shades to the balcony, but I can definitely feel a grin growing on his face beneath my fingers.

"Darling," he says in his raspy, sleepy voice.

"Hi." I say sweetly. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him softly.

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