Part 13: Amnesia: Kidnapped By Yandere Toma X Female Reader

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I woke from a fitful sleep from worry over what would happen when Shin and Ikki finally came. I realised I was in the bedroom and not in front of the fireplace, where I fell asleep last night, naked beneath the sheets. I couldnt help cringing as I remembered in vivid detail what happened the previous night.

 A tight ball of anxiety twisted my stomach recalling how possesive Toma had been before calming down. I feared I was starting to regret giving my virginity under those circumstances but I had been swept away by his passion and then despair. Could it be he was manipulating me with his tears? I felt a wave of guilt because I couldnt help wondering if i had done the right thing. I felt so confused over my feelings for Toma now more than ever.

Toma entered the bedroom wearing his usual orange and black style, but the jumper with a shredded bottom that normally hung around his hips was being worn under his black vest, keeping him warm.  He sat down on the bed at my side, with a gentle smile.

"Good Morning my Princess, "Toma greeted warmly as he brushed the stray hair from my face, "Last night was the most incredible night of my life. You were so beautiful", he said sincerely, "Do you feel alright?"

I hesitated and glanced away, feeling bad bottling up my emotions. 

"I slept fairly well", I lied fidgetting, "I am a little know where"  I flushed crimson saying that.

Toma gripped my chin and turned my face up to him, kissing me with intensity that took my breath away. His gold gaze locked on me as he pressed his lips against mine before drawing back to look at me.

"Don't be embarrassed. Its expected. Though I do adore how you blush around me, it is so cute" Toma chuckled,

I squirmed embarrassed, glad that he hadnt noticed my hesitancy. 

 "I have something special to show you", he said with a grin, "Let me decide what you are going to put on. I like deciding what you wear", he said happily.

I sat up holding the sheets over my naked body, watching Toma as he stood up gathering a selection of warm clothing and shoes for me to put on. It felt strange for him to be choosing my clothing for me. I wondered if he intended to control even what I wore from now on. I didnt put it past him to want, making me uncomfortable at the thought. I stared at the outfit he had chosen for me wondering what was going to happen today.

"Um... Toma? Are you worried about... " I paused, knowing how he reacted to me in the past.

Anxiety was biting at my insides, knowing Shin and Ikki were on their way. I chewed on my bottom lip, knowing I was powerless to stop them. I knew they were going to have many questions that I couldnt honestly answer. I didnt know how I felt about Toma but I didnt have enough time to figure it out.

Toma looked my way concerned as he took my hand laying my palm on to his warm chest, so I could feel his steady heartbeat,

"Listen to my heart" He said seriously, "I am not worried about what will come today.  Trust me to protect you. Everything will be alright", he said reassuringly. 

I forced a smile and nodded, hoping he was right, feeling somewhat better as he stroked my cheek,

"Get dressed sweetheart. We are having breakfast outside today for a change" he said, "The weather is clear and not cold at all", he kissed my forehead sweetly and turned leaving the room.

Toma had chosen a practical warm jumper, jeans and boots for me to wear.  I quickly put on the outfit and grabbed my coat, trying not to think about the rescue attempt Shin and Ikki planned.

He was waiting for me by the back door with a warm smile, holding a picnic basket in one hand.  He had a mid length black trench coat on and orange scarf slung across his shoulders.  Holding out his hand to me,

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