Chapter 12 - Taken

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8 Months Pregnant

I decided to stay home tonight, the entire Charming family had an event and to be honest I just wasn't up for it, all I wanted to do was sleep.

Unfortunately it was darings birthday and I couldn't let him go without a proper birthday present so I decided why not just come out after.

I was sitting at my vanity putting on darings favourite shade of red lipstick when I heard the stair squeak, I shrugged it off thinking that it just might have been Chase or even darling.

I continued getting ready when all the lights went off, I sighed and turned on my phone so I had at least a little light.

"Fucking hell" I said as I walked out of my bathroom, I shone the light on my phone over to my nightstand where there was candles and a lighter.

I pulled out the packet of tea lights and the lighter and lit a few, I then sat down on my bed to ring daring to tell him that the power went off when suddenly I heard one of the guards yell.

I immediately reacted by standing up with my phone in hand, all of a sudden I heard a series of gun shots go off and lots of shouting outside.

I quickly opened my door and ran to darings office where there was a gun hidden in his drawer in case anything like this happens.

I quickly ran in the office not caring about me practically tripping over the chair in his office, I began panicking and was fumbling trying to get the drawer open but unlucky for me it was locked.

I heard the floor boards creak which made my blood run cold, I stopped what I was doing because I knew that someone else was in the office with me.

It all happened so fast, one moment I was in the office and the next thing I know is I'm being hit over the head with something hard and then I wake up tied to a chair with a blindfold on.

"Hello Daring" the Italian scratchy voice said "where is she, Oh she's right here arnt you Cerise" the man said grabbing my jaw roughly.

"Get away from me you disgusting man" I spat hoping that it would get him right in the face, he scoffed "La stupida cagna" he said as he slapped my cheek hard.

"What the fuck do you want from me, I haven't done anything you idiot" I screamed trying to pull my arms free.

"Non è bello ma ha" he said "what the fuck are you saying, I'm not Italian" I said letting the hot tears fall down my cheeks.

"Oh guarda quello che hai fatto adesso audace, sta piangendo" he said laughing "you touch her and I will kill you and everyone you love" I heard Daring yell on the other line.

"Are you really going to threaten the man who has the girl you love but also your unborn child, tsk tsk tsk, wrong move Charming" he said in an evil voice.

I suddenly felt something cold touch my leg "get away from me you pig" I screamed trying to move my leg away from whatever it was that was on it.

Suddenly I felt it run along my leg and at that moment I knew that it was a knife because he had just slashed my leg.

"Ouch no please" I screamed pleading him to stop "oh don't be silly I wouldn't kill you just yet, you are too valuable to me" he said sneering in my ear.

"You want to talk to her" he asked Daring "here you go" he said putting the phone to my ear "Cerise baby" he asked "Daring" I said letting the tears fall down my already wet cheeks.

"I'm going to find you" he said "please hurry" I said crying into the phone "alright that's enough" the man said taking the phone away from my ear.

"You know what I want Charming, get it to me or it's bye bye to your lover" he said hanging up the phone "please let me go please, I have child in my stomach I could give birth right now please" I pleaded.

"Let's hope its sooner rather then later" he said closing a metal door and leaving me blindfolded, alone and terrified of what else he could do to me.

I hope he finds me soon

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