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I love cacti




"mom, how do we know the smith's?" i ask, still pondering on how my mother has friends, she's a total introvert.

"old friends from high school sweetie, oh! here they are now," she squeals, standing from her seat to greet them. i sigh, rolling my eyes trying to gather the will to walk up and put on a positive attitude, whereas my mother immediately does the right thing.

i finally stand straight up when i hear grayson slightly gasp, "holy shit, dude look," he barely points his index finger towards who i see is nevaeh.

holy shit is right.

she looks beautiful. tight, red, knee-length velvet body dress with nude heels. i look at her face, seeing she's greeting my mother with barely any makeup on her, only mascara.

she doesnt need it anyway.

grayson nudges, or pushes me towards the smith family for us to greet them, since mom said we had to be polite and all.

"hello mister and miss' smith," i shake their hands, "hey nevaeh."

she gives a slight wave and a soft smile as her parents vocally greet me back.

"oh honey, just call me erin, and my husband phillip,"

nevaeh's mom, or erin, looks toward her, giving her a disapproving glare, "honey, we greet our friends and family with hugs remember," she asks, making nevaeh roll her eyes.

her eyes are going to fall out if she's going to keep rolling them at everything.

she slowly edges towards me and lightly wraps her arms around my waist for a short amount of time. after our 'hug' she awkwardly makes her way to our reserved table, sitting at the very end.

erin grabs nevaeh's hand and leads her to the seat next to mine, leaning down towards her ear to whisper something. nevaeh switches her gaze from her hands towards me, furrowing her eyebrows.

my family and i make our way back to the table, me placing myself next to nevaeh, "sudden change of seats," i smirk.

"don't flatter yourself, im only sitting here to make my mother happy," she retorts.


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"alright, alright. we have something to discuss, everyone," mom and lisa look at each other, leaving ethan, grayson, cameron and i dumbfounded.

"what's going on mom," i sigh, getting tired of all this bullshit.

"well," she starts, taking in a deep breath, "us and the dolan's have been friends for a while, and we had made an arrangement quite some years back."

"what kind of arrangement, erin," ethan asks for all of us.

lisa chimes in, "well, we had an agreement that our firstborn children would be able to get married," she starts, "but since cameron is our eldest and you do not have a brother.." lisa drags.

my father sighs, placing his head into his hands.

"ethan is the next eldest, so we've decided to marry the both of you," my mother finishes, leaving my mouth dropped.

"e-excuse me," i gasp.

"we have arranged for you and ethan to get married, nevaeh,"


finally it was said! i didnt really know how to put into words how the dinner would go down, that was why it took me a long while to make it happen and that's why the chapters have been so short lately.

also i will for sure be making a schedule for my books asap((:

looooooveeee youuuuu❤


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word count: 571

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